Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mariners Fans, Say goodbye to Hiroki Kuroda

Its official....he's gonna sign with the Los Angeles Dodgers.

I am very neutral on this......
We all know the Mariners need pitching.....
Pitching doesnt grow on trees.
13 million a year for a #3/#4 starter and three years....The Mariners already have 2 pitchers with that description (Washburn and Batista)

Would it improve the team? Yes....but not enough to make them contenders....and would weaken the team down the road.

The Result of not signing Kuroda.....

Bavasi is gonna have a panic attack now........I hope he doesnt do something stupid to ruin the franchise by signing an over-rated free agent (okay, not over rated....but signing someone from the no talent free agent class)

Carlos Silva (If he becomes a Mariner....I become an Angels fan......Hold on a second....I contemplated suicide) Its not because he is horrible...but a 4-5 year contract for a #5 pitcher....
I couldnt take the 60 million Mr Bavasi.....spend it wisely...DO NOT DO IT....its not the 1st year....its th 4-5th year when ya cant sign good free agents or ya want to make a trade but cant because 3/5 of your rotation is untradeable.

Kyle Loshe?????? I just read an article saying we were looking at tossong big money his way???
Please shoot me.

Start Baek
Start Morrow
Start Ryan Rowland-Smith
Start Sean White
Start Ryan Feierabend

BUT PLEASE DO NOT SIGN A PITCHER FOR 12+ MILLION A YEAR that is not any better than the above pitchers....
I Beg You Bill.....dont castrate the Mariner Faithful

The ONLY Free agent Pitchers the Mariners should be looking at now are:
Bartolo Colon (1 year deal on the cheap)
Ummmmm...besides that.....1 year deals....
Locking long term would destroy the franchise for the next several years

No matter what the Mariners do this offseason....we are far behind the angels overall....
We should concentrate on increasing the farm system and improving the team overall. with shorter term deals for NON superstar players.

No Ho-Ram
No Weaver

The MAriners just got better.

Unloading Richie wouldnt be bad, and then signing Geoff Jenkins

I could go on an on...but I am definately tired

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