Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winning Money While Playing Bad.....

I'm not complaining about the winning part......

(to be honest...I didnt play so hot the first 2 hour session of the day either)

when ya win 21.92 BB/100 over 2570 hands....While playing like a complete Moron...

Thats definately running good.

I cant even express how pissed I am at myself.....Part of the punishment is Making myself stop (the money was flowing in like crazy, but that made it worse)

I might play for an hour so in a little while.....I think I used up all my equity with the poker gods today....I mean....shoving with JJ preflop...generally not a good idea (well okay, that play in the context wasnt as bad as ALOT of other plays...at least that one I did it with a read and read my stack as 33 not 53...so the "play" was good....misreading my stack was "bad")

I was Playing like Jeff Weaver pitching (well more like Ho-Ram...the Mariners would win some when he stunk it up)

Okay...I have to relax before I blow a gasket.

Rules for the rest of the week.
6 tables at the same time MAXIMUM (8 if I play well for 2 hours solid)
Watch 2 videos per day....and post 1 hand just to get ripped on and 2 hands for analysis on Stoxpoker (LOL...they teach you to run good and make money when playing bad)....thats a joke....but actually its kinda true...because I maximized the profit on certain hands...I ran good...and that I learned at stox.

The membership at Stoxpoker has already paid for itself....LOL....my bankroll is up 2000% and climbing.

Relax mode....brain off

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