Its been forever since I posted anything......
It's been a horrible year (personally and sportswise) That I kept cheer for my teams, but I couldnt muster enough to rehash the painful losses day after day.
A Glimmer of hope......(okay more than a glimmer)
Jack Zduriencik!!!!!
Initially I thought..... "Good change.....any upgrade is good from Bavasi"
Over the past couple weeks......
OMG!!!!! He has cleaned house, brought in Top Notch people, .......I am speechless.......
I am.....EXCITED!!!!!
The Mariners are gonna win the Weird Cool Name competition.
They are just fun to say out loud (well, unless ya screw them up)
Okay....just wanted to ressurect my blog......
Its Rebuilding time for both.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
MAriners Headed in the Right Direction!!!!!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Its only Texas....
The Mariners are still 6.5 games back.....
But Finally something to smile about.
Wlad the Impailer----
Wladamir Balentien has freakish power.......
The Home run he hit tonight to the power alley in Left field (where all right handed power hitters can never hit Homeruns).........
Over the left fielder....over the bullpen....over the fans in left field......the ball is still going. evening in May.....
How did he do that?
So many other wonderful things (its amazing how much a Mariners win perks me up)
JJ Putz.....wasnt studley....but he's getting back to 2007 form.
Richie....another Homerun....keep it up Big Richie.....we like country mile hits.
We are still 6.5 games out...but it feels soooooo good.....
Now if we can just get a run off of sidney ponson (Oh my...Texas is really digging pitchers off the scrap heap)
Oh...and my fantasy Baseball team is finally starting to do well....went from 10th 2 weeks ago to 4th......thank goodness for chase utley, Lance Berkman and Josh Hamilton.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
We spent 50 million on Carlos Silva......
....and other teams spent less than 3 million for the same pitcher....
I dont want to come off that I hate Carlos....I dont...he's a mariner now, so I cheer for him.
But I will repeat this again......
50 million of the worst money ever spent in baseball.
We will regret it even more 3-4 years from now...wont be able to trade him and eating the salary.
Ummmm..... Kosuke Fukedome makes the same, same length of contract..
Take any of the young arms in AAA
Put them as your number 4 or 5 (thats another thing....Bavasi loves paying 10++++ million for #4 and #5 pitchers....why is that?)
Take the 12 mill per....Fukudome in Right Field (now defensively we are good)
Put Balentine in LF
Raul to DH
Vidro to PH
Fukedome hitting 3rd, beltre 4th and Raul 5th, Balentine 6th
I hate Bill Bavasi, he traded the future away, and he over estimated our offense.
6 1/2 games out of 1st.....and unless the mariners go crazy with a 20 game winning streak....the season could be over quickly.
the big question is....How long will this losing streak end? Will our offense every score 3 runs in a game? What month does Bavasi get fired?
*sigh* Go Mariners.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Sad and confused
The Mariners......
Dont really know what to write......
After Felix got it handed to him by a substandard New York Yankees Line-up.....
Well....Our Offense stinks....let me repeat...our offense stinks....some rediculous like 10 runs in 5-7 games.
5 games under 500....its either gonna spiral out of controll or something is gonna change.
I really just want to crawl into a ball in the corner.
The worst thing is, that my life generally goes in the direction the Mariners do (may sound silly...but the mariners losing...usually means disaster is about to happen.....deaths.....horrible way is going, I should be bankrupt and in jail by october......even if I never changed a thing)
Well....lets hope we can win one game of this road trip
Go Mariners....Please win
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
All Hail Adrian Beltre
World...Meet every Mariners fans best friend.
.900+ OPS at Safeco Field
Gold Glove 3B defense
Nick Name that he lives upto (King Awesome)
Mr Bavasi.....while you are handing out contract extension to players who dont deserve it.....why not do the right thing and extend King Awesome.
While you're at it...the other King...King Felix....please buy out his arbitration years before they cost us 20 million per after multiple Cy youngs.
(if you havent noticed Mr Bavasi....look in the dictionary of Dominant, and it has Felix's picture)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
SEA @ CLE 4/29 Recap: Adrian Beltre is KING AWESOME!!!
I could say Silva pitched well....
I could say Turbo (Jose Vidro) did a fine job with 2 doubles.....
I could say Lopez and Raul did good to get on base.....
I could say Willie did a good job walking and get a SB......
Screw all of that......
That says it all....
Top of the 9th......
Score is Tied 2-2....
Adrian already had 3 walks (ummmm...miracle?)....
Rafael Betancourt's 1-0 Ptich to Adrian...its a fastball......
and then its pile on run time......
Adrian Beltre should win AL MVP if the mariners win the West (and Felix for Cy Young)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Havent played alot of poker until this week
I had played very few hands over the last month and a half.....
Ran Bad live at the muckleshoot (How do you know if Craig is going to lose a hand live? I'm all in as a 80+% favorite)
Runner runner flush (with no draw on the flop and calling a Pot sized bet)
Bottom pair calling 3 streets of PSB and spiking trips on the river (2 pair sucks)
Gawd awful....
As far as online....I play way to tight....I am profitable when I play tight....but I need to work on post flop decisions and taking my time in bigger pots....thats my main problem...not taking my time.
up for the week...played about 1500 hands....I am going to start playing more
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Worried to the 4th degree...
At the moment....
Oakland won (obviously the Mariners lost)
LAnahiem is winning at the moment.....
Mariners are 4 back....
The offense stinks.
We have a black hole in Right field (WilkerQuist)
Kenji hit for 2 days of the season....
Richie sexson...okay...he's got some walks...and went crazy in LA, but besides that...ARGH!!!
Jose Vidro (Pepe too) has been gawd aweful
Yuni doesnt seem to get hits when we need them.
Even Ichiro has me concerned (which of course is rather useless to express, because.....mark my word...just by mentioning him hittin 100 lower than he should....he'll go 15 for 22 over the next 4 games)
Ibanez....been good...but man....killing me the last 2 days.
Lopez---I want to be happy with what he's doing...but I am concerned...its either gonna be a good year, or pitchers are gonna figure out what he is doing (I can see it, and I am not even a scout)'re too predictable at the moment Jose
Adrian Beltre----the bright spot in the line up......low RBIs, but that because of Jose and Raul doing well W/RISP......2nd in walks on the team.....900+ OPS....and gold glove defense.
I love Adrian
Our offense cant score.....
and...the bullpen has been taking their day they are lights out...the next I want to cry.
And the Injuries......sheesh.
I am starting to worry....Bill Bavasi gets brain damage and wont take a FREE...yes FREE FREE FREE shot at Frank "the Big hurt" Thomas. A FRIGGIN NO BRAINER!!!!!
BILL, WHERE IS OUR RIGHT FIELD (i didnt want us to resign Guillen...but GEEZE, not offering to get the draft pick...OMFGOMFGOMFG!!!!!!!!)
OVER PAYING FOR SILVA!!!!!! I dont mind the guy.....but geeze
I love Kenji...BUT A 3 YEAR EXTENTION AT 8 million per?!?!?!?!?!?
Hello, Jeff Clement....Hello?!?!?!?!? how many catchers do we have in the minors????
Mr Bavasi, you morgaged the future for 2008...WE BETTER WIN YOU Mother F'er.
If we dont make the playoffs, you have put us in a position to be bad as soon as 2009 or 2010
I am worried....
I love my Mom, but the Mariners lost.
I went to friday's mariner game with my Mom (it was Ichiro bobblehead night).
I really wish I could express how much I love her......
We dont have the super open mother/son relationship (at least some Leave it to beaver "ideal")
but she's awesome......
Example: she's been working part time in the evenings for several months now....pretty much the evenings are booked because she works swing shift......
I have been feeling rather lonely....I dunno...kinda sad overall......kinda sitting back wishing and wishing....for someone just to show that I actually matter (which is silly I know, but I am a very introverted person when it comes to others.....I can "pretend" real well....but, I do wish I was more a people person)......
I knew I was going to the game alone....I wasnt sure if my mom was working....but I called...Dad answered....and said he would aske her when she got home from work (My dad is not a baseball fan at all....I dont mind....he's a great guy....I would probably do a backflip if did ever want to go....I dont expect it though).....
Well...come to find out, she was scheduled to work (I sighed)...the dad said "She definately gonna go with ya, she's telling her work today that she's taking the day off"....
I dunno....My mom doesnt miss work for nothin.....not nearly as bad as my dad.....but to take a day off from work, Just for me......may not seem like much....but its huge.
Like I said...havent felt the best emotionally lately.....It was just awesome.
The only thing that could have been better, is if we won....
Batista was injured in the 1st inning....was trying to pitch through it (which was a HUGE mistake)....
By the Time MacLaren had had enough....we were down 4-0
Cha Seung Baek pitched incredible in relief (probably his best outing ever).....Batista Really cost us the game by insisting he could keep pitching...the 5 walks in an inning and a third was the nail in the coffin.
The Mariners Battled within won and had several chances to win late in the game, but came up short.
Erik Bedard pitched Satruday...(studly i might).....JJ almost did a melt down, but we still won
Now I need sleep
Monday, April 21, 2008
Almost forgot....Happy Felix Day Eve!!!!
Day off Monday.
Happy Felix Day on Tuesday.
Good way to start the week with a No hitter
Its been a little while
I have been watching more games and posting about them less....
So a short recap of my person increase or decrease in the:
"Seattle Mariners player Man-crush meter"
King Felix---Near Maxed Out....I know the future will take my crush to heights never believed to have been reached.
Beltre AKA King Awesome: Think of it this way as an know that hot woman you like....the one you would eat your own feces for.....If Adrian Ate peanuts...then asked me...I would think about it.....(getting more than our moneys worth)
Raul: How I love a guy who's defense is slightly better than a DH I will never know...keep hitting Mr "UUUUUUU" and we pray you will be full time DH soon
Ichiro: See King Felix (Felix the Franchise and Ichiro the Institution)
The Double Mint twins (Lopez- and the Yuni-Bomber) love for yuni has dropped a little...but Jose is making up for it.....he is very close to breaking out for personal record highs on the Man-crush meter...keep it up Jose...I dont want to Jinx ya with too much praise)
Wilkermorse: Obivously half of you is on the DL and the other is....well...not hitting and has below average defense....if it werent for some walks and a few bright spots...I'd be screaming for Barry Bonds and Wlad the impailer.
Kenji Johjima: Neutral (which is okay...less than last year though)....Kenji getting walks????? AMAZING...kenji going 0fer-20something...not so awesome....stay hot my man....make the mariners extend you for at least another year so the c/Dh/1B postion is Kenji/Clement/Other
Burke: I dont know why...but I love this guy
Norton: Cool....a PH bat....something we needed
Luis Sojo: I project longtime man love...even though you became a are an icon in my mind because you helped the mariners make it to the playoffs with "and everybody scores!!!!"
Cairo: Ummmm why do we have you again? You have the Mariners logo on some I am forced to love you always. Also See Luis Sojo (get a couple keep hits and the man-love is permanent)
JJ Putz-----Neutral......but the anticipation of your return.....I am having Thunderstruck Withdrawls....Please come back soon....and solidfy the pen
Ryan Rowland-Smith: 2nd biggest jump in the man love meter.....I love at times in the game in which I am just begging Johnny Mac to make th call to the Pen for you.....instead of RRS, I might start reffering to you as LHJJ or JJJ (left handed JJ or JJ Junior)...attention...Woodie alert
Dickey: a little dissapointed with inning #1...but after that....the replays of the knuckleball entertaining....makes the games even better to watch......PLEASE pitch well enough to stay on the big league team.
ARTHUR RHODES: I dont know why...but I knew this was going to happen...and my man meter was already up in anticipation.....Keep up dominanting those them ya still have alot left in the tank...all the way to the world series. Thank goodness ya pitch well without the Rock in your ear.
Roy C: the tractor did you come from? where did the way you have been pitching come from?....Keep it up....Man Love meter is rising.
The rest of the pen....More consistancy if you want to heat up the man love meter.....not even worth mentioning names.
The Man who has not been mentioned......
The Man who has climbed the Man-love-meter chart
The Player who deserves the most recognition of improvement so far....
Might have come out of the gates slow....but with the extra walks and patience....and now
The COUNTRY MILE HRs in abundance......I long for 2005 Richie...and I think I see him coming around the bend......
The Man-Love meter was near freezing....and now its up to room temperature.
Come on Richie.....Break the can do it.....265 AVE 400 OBP .600+ SLG
even less than that it fine....Keep up the bombs.
FYI I hate Tori Hunter, I hope his jock strap catches on fire and his glove melts. (respect the play.....but he's an LAnahiem Angel....that means pure hatred)
10-10 and Two games out of First....
Oakland?? WTF?? they cant keep this up.
Hopefully a Healthy Bedard comes back so I can blabber about My Mariners Man love for him
Thursday, April 17, 2008
All Hail the King....King Felix (I predict will win the Cy young for 2008)
Todays game against Oakland.....
The box score does not even begin to show how Dominant Felix was today.
He gave up 8 hits in 9 innings....but 5 of those were freak luck bloop singles...
Where the hitter was lucky to touch the ball.....
It wasnt even his best game....
When a guy looks that good....and isnt even pitching his best......he's a stud.
Happy Felix Day!!!!
Raul and King Awesome (Beltre, not to be confused) had great days (beltre both offensively and defensively)....and it was overshawdowed by Felix's preformance.
I ma glad McLaren left him in for the complete the bullpen a rest is always a good thing.
Oh....a little Rant....
Brandon Morrow...WTF....he needs to be in the minors working on his controll....if ya walk 6 guys in 6 innings at AA West Tenn....the Mariners should NOT be calling him up to the Big Club....
I still think its a big mistake not trying to stretch him out ot be a starter, and working on his secondary pitches......
Complete waste of a #1 pick if they never try him as a starter.....drafting 1st round Relief Pitchers should not be done....its a waste.
Okay...Mariners 8-8 1 more with Oakland (enough to put us in 2nd)...then another series with the angels.....2-1 series win would be nice....a sweep would be even better
Monday, April 14, 2008
Isn't it Ironic.....
Erik Bedard has hip socket inflamation.....
Mystery false rumor of Adam Jones having hip problems, that almost nixed the bedard/Jones deal....welll.....The Mariners may have the guy with cronic hip problems.
This is the worst news.....
The 2008 Mariners is all about starting pitching and counting on the 1-2 punch of Felix and Bedard.
JJ Putz on the DL, Beltre with a Hammy pull (it doesnt seem serious though, but ya never know) and Bedard missing a start and unknown when he will be back.
If my life wasnt so crap right now....I would cry about the mariners (I'm crying mainly today because of the worst possible daughter ripped me off for thousands and thousands of dollars....actually stole the money from my house over the last month)
Back to the Mariners.....
Its good we took 2 of 3 this weekend....but.....I am worried.
Hopefully Beltre will be back tommorrow (cairo at 3B long term will kill this team)
6-7 and 2 games back of Oakland (glad they lost today)
We're in 3rd....but its not that bad....gained ground on Angels....kept pace with the Angels.....
With the injuries....I'll take it.
Going forward....
Please baseball Gawds.....Heal Bedard...Heal JJ and Heal Beltre.
Its a long season...but we need to be in contention around the allstar break
Saturday, April 12, 2008
My Mariner Man Crush......
King Awesome (Adrian Beltre) has always had my admiration of his defensive ability....
have a ringside seat with him directly infront of me.....WOW......defensively he's a complete stud times 10 million....He single handedly in the 4th (I think) killed the angels rally....
Dives and Catches a ball drilled that is destined to score the guy on 2nd.....He pops up like a brilliant and goes for the tag....gets almost run over and then makes a bullseye throw to 1stbase while getting shoved out of the way by the runner.
AND......the snag and throw to homeplate later in the game that saved a run....
All Hail King Awesome.....I am not worthy.....they should have charged me double for the entertainment I got last was a fun and exciting game to watch.
Okay.....short and sweet comments for the guys who produced...
Raul.....ummmm....Ibanez doesnt just own Weaver....he owns his future grandkids.......2 HRs that were monster bombs....the "short one" was 438 feet...I think the other one was like anycase....Weaver should think about just walking Raul every AB....Raul has somethng like a .600 lifetime average with 6 HRs....
Felix....considering he wasnt dominant....he did everything necessary to keep the mariners in the game and get the win.....OH....and striking out VLAD the impailer 3 straight times....that deserves some type of an award.
JOHJIMA---1st of all...DANG....whats up with the walks...its awesome...I never though Kenji would walk multiple times in a game....AND do it in multiple games.....sheesh...he's on pace to have more walks this year...than he has had in his entire career.....and it was good to see him break his O-fer streak.
Richie----Go Speed racer....Sexson-speed....Richie with an infield single......who would have thunk it....and the walks...keep it up....sure I'd like to have ya hit 40+ HRs....but I'll take a 400 OBP even if half of it is walks.
Lopez.....solid...well...except that damn Vlad double...should have played that better....but...I'm loving the new Lopez.
Ichiro---I love that I am starting to take ya for granted......Ichi-stud
Okay....its sleepy time
1 game back....and its a big game tommorrow.....soul-patch-power
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Forgot to mention....
Countdown: 2 days till King Felix pitches
(got homeplate box seats right behind homeplate for friday)
21 years old....and one of the 5 best pitchers in the majors.....Most pitchers at the age of 21 are struggling in A-ball or lower praying for the day the will see double AA and hoping to make the majors by 25 or 26.
Felix is Awesome
Felix is the King
Felix needs a LONG TERM CONTRACT MR Bavasi, Give him an early Xmas present with a long term contract extension.
My prediction:
King Felix
World Seires
2-0 21 Ks 0.75 ERA MVP
Once Again happy b-day Felix...and please please dont ever leave.
Burke Goes Yard and the Road to the World Series gets brighter
The short version of todays game (I say about 2/3 of it...I totally forget about the damn time soon as the itch to turn it to FSN hits around 5 pm...I go "oh Sh#@!#$%T because the game is already in progress)
New petition....All scheduled times will be PST....that way east coast games will start at 10 pm EST, so it wont screw up my schedule.
Todays Game:
Washburn.....ummmm.....are we gonna get our money's worth this year? I hope this is a sign of the rest of the season.....Good Job Jarrod....this Subs for You.
Raul, did ya get the gun? dang....great throw my man.
Burke, Oh deserved the shaving cream pie from JJ.....HR #2 WOO WOO....When your back-up catcher is bombing on is good.
Blocking the plate for Ibanez throw...
Mr Do it All today
Beltre....Woot....GG defensive throw to 1st....another HR (ho hum....I love it when ya start to rely on a guy for HRs).....I feel a monster year this year and next for Adrian.....In the playoffs...Adrian is gonna be leading the way.
Ichiro = Stud
4-5 1.5 games back....but it feels like its only a matter of time when the mariners will be in 1st (my prediction is on sunday...we will have a 1 game lead or tied for 1st in the west)
Tommorrow is an important game...pull the mariners within 1 game.....and.....
Angels @ Mariners
Fri King Felix
sat Silva
Sun Bedard
thats a good thing to see....2-1 is a REAL good chance....with a shot at 3-0
We'll find iyt how this year is gonna go real quick
Go MAriners....
The Mojo is Rising (well....You gotta love these guys too...)
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Love the Ace and the King.
Woo hoo!!!!
We have the Ace (Erik Bedard) and the King (King Felix Hernandez)....
The cure for losing streaks.
Bedard wasnt sharp...but he did what is necessary (it wasnt until may last year when he became dominant...he always struggles early each year....its a good sign getting wins when he's not at his best)
Sexson....Love ya Richie...Prove them all everyone ya still got it.
Kenji---C'mon buddy....pick it up like last year
Beltre--ummmm 2 errors this year? the shock of it almost gave me a heartattack.....must have been a mirage.
Ichiro ----Uber-stud, year after year...just gets its done....and when ya retire a MAriner...Its Edgar and Ichiro as my two favorites of all time (I cant even under emphasize how much it meant to me for him to choose to resign with the mariners...he could have gone free agent...and got a TON of money from another team...but he didnt....Edgar stayed...Ichiro stayed...both are hall of Famers........ramble ramble.....I cant wait until hit number 3000
6-5 M's beat the Rays
Its a good day
Ryan Rowland-Smith sighting
Mac finally listened to me (well okay...not really....BUT.
1.2 IPP (1)SV 2 Ks
Feel the Wrath of RRS
More Positive Affirmations?? No, its pre-panic time
Okay...its not panic time.....Its baseball...not Football....2-5 in a 162 game season doesnt really mean alot....but 4 straight losses sure hits ya hard.
I really cant wait until JJ gets back...just for the mental security.....I know there are good relievers in the pen that have struggled the last 4 games....but just the idea that the Anchor is dont feel as though the ship is gonna drift away....
HEAL FAST JJ.....15 Day DL is definately toooooooo long.
FINALLY....Johnny Mac moved Sexson down in the least Mac is willing to do anything to win...and not "pray" things change...its a good sign....even though I am question some of his decisions.
If not...get Rhodes or Dickey back in the bullpen.
Well....3 game series against the Rays up next....we need to take 2 out of 3....
And then 2 out of 3 against the Angels and everything will be hunkie dorie
To be honest...I actually didnt even want to watch the game today (I actually intentionally didnt watch it *GASP*) I know it will like the Mariners is my child, and I cant stand to see it struggle like it has the last couple days.
I am looking forward to this weekend...I may even goto 2 of the 3 games.....well....maybe...the 2 and 1/2 hour round trip is a bit much.....Its a Big series....the Mariners need to stay close or pull ahead before Lacky comes back....
The MAriners need to find some offense.....whether is Bringing Vlad up....a trade....and I know its a Long Shot....but I am all for BArry Bonds as a makes even more sense now...Richie is not gonna be 2005 Richie again....Vidro is batting .167 and we need to make sure he doesnt get enough ABs for his contract to Vest for next year.
I personally think Barry would look good in Teal and Blue with a Big "S" on his cap and chest.
Wont happen...but Its gonna be a long year of tight games if we dont improve the offense.
Okay...sleep Time
Goodnight MAriners Nation
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Mariners Affirmations......
If I repeat the following message 5 times, it will become true....
The Mariners will win!
The Mariners will win!
The Mariners will win!
The Mariners will win!
The Mariners will win!
The whole Baltimore Series was a disaster.... I am becoming convinced that John McLaren may not know what he is doing.....I am a Johnny Mac fan...but I am definately seeing what others are saying.
He wants a trimmed down 11 man staff, but uses them like he only has 9 pitchers....and then publicly mutters if he should have just gone with a 12-man staff.
Makes me wonder....1 extra pitcher, that he wont utilize, wont make a difference.
Ryan Rowland-Smith: he has showed up in 1 game...for 7 pitches......He's proven that he can pitch...
And in the past 6 games...there have been 3 instances where there were a couple left handers in row due up (not counting the O'flarety entries to the game)...and what does Johnny mac do?
He calls to the bullpen for anyone and everyone.....except RRS.
I understand need to balance, not overwork....but for the love of god.....dont kill Green this early in the season with having him pitch more innings out of the bullpen than starters do.
If RRS isnt going to be used....stretch him out in Tacoma.....hell Aurthur Rhodes can chill out with JJ.
Baltimore Orioles.....
2 games....George Sherrill shuts the door on the Mariners...the 3rd game...hey...their manager is being a stupid as ours
2 games....Adam jones has the go ahead run or RBI
Bedard doesnt start because of his hip
not a fan of the trade....but I love bedard....but, without Jones going crazy...I would say worst case scenerio for this series...I wanted to cry on sunday.
Next Up:
Tampa Bay---the team that everyone underestimates, and things they are the old devil rays.
Dont be fool...the Rays have alot of Talent....are they a playoff team? Probably not....but they can easily be a 500 team.....
They have stock piled talent for the past years....probably havent managed some of their trades the best (some of the trades on the surface seem really wierd...some were outstanding)
Bascially in a nutshell....we are playing them at the worst time of the season....they think they have a shot at winning.....add that to some talent....I am praying for 2-1 series win.
BTW Johnny Mac....why did ya pull felix? 97 pitches? come on....all this crap about over using the bullpen and the bullpen not throwing strikes.....if ya want people to believe some of your philosophy....try doing the no brainer things right....
3 Left handed hitters due up.....who do you bring in?
Roy corcoorcorocrocor or Sean Greeenieieieieieieie.???
Hell no.....only a moron would do that.
Ryan Rowland-Smith....he's a lefty.
Unless ya have some super new stat....RRS is better against lefties than the rest of the pen
Please check the Managers Manual
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Ugh.....and WOO!!!
Oh Yeah....I love the Mariners.....if ya poke my finger, I would bleed Teal and Blue (with a little bit of road jersey grey and alternative navy Blue too)
the Ugh....
JJ....15 day DL I about had a heart attach when I first heard the news.....thank goodness that its just a cartilidge strain/inflamation ....Putz is a Stud....and we desprately need him to make a run at the west title this year......He's as important as Felix and Bedard are to this team.
Every Mariner fan needs to rub their lucky compass.
It does explain why he wasnt sharp yesterday.....I was just going to try and blow off that his pitches were not sharp at all....and in a funny way...the injury calms my fears that maybe JJ has lost something off his pitches......the injury means....2-3 weeks.......Save situation....
Putz in, Game over
Okay.....lets forget about the game on the April fools day.....Well...Except that Felix proved he was a stud (except throwing to 1st).....good come back....but the rest...I just wanted to cry....
Throwing a game away when ya have it won......and Richie sexson....I'm begging Sexson....if ya cant get it figured out before May...please bench yourself.....I believe in Big Richie and want to stick with ya....but its getting harder.....never gonna boo ya....but please....We want "BIG RICHIE" from the commercial in 2005.....Hit it a country Mile....ALOT.
Game #3
Carlos Silva the flamethrowing Ace????
Holy cow....Great Game Mr Silva....Pitch like this every game....I'll be campaigning Silva for Cy Young....To be honest....Just dont suck...and I'll be happy.....VERY Impressive....
3 starters.....20 plus innings....2 ER....thats awesome.
Props to Silva....Very very happy....Happy Silva day.
Turbo (aka Vidro) ummmmm....Please give richie his HR swing's turn friday.
Good Job Turbo....keep up the steals and HRs (thats just way to funny)
I need to buy a Batista Jersey...... the "I'll do anything to help the mariners win" attitude....
YOU GOTTA LOVE THIS GUY......and the best part is the interviews...he's not blowing smoke by saying "I love to close...I will do what Mac wants"......he is saying he will do anything...and is backing up it with what he is doing.....but he's saying the truth....not in a BS kinda of can tell in his answers...he REALLY wants to start and be a starter....not be a reliever at all...but what does he do...HE DOES IT ALL!!!!! HE IS DA MAN!!!....
Batista Rocks...that is all that there is too it....I love the competative nature the guy has....
I am going to go out on a limb....
When ...not IF...but when we make the World Series.....this is the type of team commitment by Batista that is going to get us there.....
I would be Surprised if Batista Wins a Playoff game and has a Save in the Same series.....and if in the World series...have a game winning hit.....
Tied for First
159 more to go....
Roy Corcoran??? hmmmm....Probably the last reliver I expected to get called up.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Happy King Day (also known as Happy Felix day)
Texas Rangers @ Seattle Mariners April 1, 2008
7:10 pm start time
Starting pitcher for the MAriners
King Felix Hernandez
Pitching for Texas.....
Who cares.....
Its King Felix Day in Seattle (and every 5th day through October)
Its always a happy day in Seattle When Felix pitches...a 92.567% the Mariners will win when they score 1 or more runs.
20 years old and one of the top 10 pitchers in baseball....and he's 5-6 years from his prime
All Hail King Felix!!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Basic Recap of the game:
Erik Bedard ----When the guy pitches at 40% of his best...and...he only gives up one run as a starter....He's definately an Ace....
OMFG his stuff is on TV doesnt do it justice.....he didnt have the controll working today (and combine that with the homeplate umpire with a strikezone for a 2 year old) BUT Holy Cow....He gets better every month too!!!!! (looking at his historical numbers....he is horrible in April).....
Its Amazing when ya see a pitcher struggling with command.....and ya can just sense the confidence that he's an Ace.....any other pitcher (besides Felix)....Mariners fans would be pulling their hair out.....but it was extremely calm atmosphere for a guy who didnt have his best stuff....which by itself is completely amazing.
I have a Man-Crush on Felix, but Bedard is my Man-Crush-Mistress
anyone reading're probably hate my writing...but to be honest...I really dont care....I just jump around topic to real structure...but just saying what I am think at the moment......
Kenji----your a rocket arm stud....teach those pathetic rangers never to run.
Ichiro---Okay...I have alot of Man-crushes on the Mariners....We take him for granted so much...and he's worth every penny of the contract extention.
Green---EoF---Putz = Game over
Jose Lopez -----Please dont attempt to steal....please do a litle better on Defense....WOOT Jose at the plate...please keep up the timely hits after the all-star break.
As Far as Texas Rangers.....Mr has to suck to pitch well...and have the dream sucked out of ya.
For the guys on my fantasy team (Blalock and Hamilton)....please get some hits...but dont make any game winning hits.
Oh....Snowing on opening least we were smart enough to build a stadium with a retractable roof (attention Cleveland).....
I am so discombobulated ..this post is making no sense...
I am just so happy the Mariners won....161 more game till the mariners are in the playoffs.
what does that mean?
It means...
You are THUNDERSTRUCK!!!! courtesy of JJ putz
Seattle Mariners = Me in Love (Opening Day Euphoria)
I dont know what it is......but I absolutely love everything that is Seattle Mariners.....
I know I say it every year.....
Blah blah blah....World series....Mariners...blah blah blah....gonna go all the way...blah blah...we are the best...blah blah...
in 2005, 2006....yeah....its because I am a fan to the core......but this year is different....
This year We have 2 of the 6 best pitchers in Baseball....
This year....."experts" are actually picking us to make the playoffs.....(not that means anything)
This year....We are on the way to winning all the games....
162 Wins and ZERO losses.
Okay....I was just gonna do a post about the recap of Opening day.....but I just have to get this out of my system so I can give an give an unbiased recap of the game.... (if you expect need to stop reading now and leave)
Erik Bedard---- --THE ACE
Felix Hernandez---The KING
JJ PUTZ----------THE DUKE of Destruction
Ichiro ------------The Prince (of all royalty...the Prince is the one everyone loves in the stories)
Adrian Beltre-----Ummm......MR STUD (yeah, its not a royal title, but the only Mariners 3B-man to ever win a Gold Glove Royal title will do him Justice)
I could go on and on...I mean...look at that list....95% chance those 5 will be on the All-Star team
(you know...that game that will give the mariners home field advatage in the playoffs)
I should have wrong yesterday.....
Here is what I would have said yesterday....
about the bench and pitchers who were contending for spots...
Morrow---- YEAH, he's going to the Minors....not because I dont like him.....but....maybe...just maybe.....if the bullpen can do well without him.....they will consider converting him to a starter......Thats my Xmas wish....Just a waste of a draft pick if we make him a bullpen guy thats not a closer....1st Round draft picks are not meant to be set-up guys.
RRS (Ryan Rowland-Smith) Booo....(note I LOVE RRS)....I actually wish he was in Tacoma...same reason as Morrow....I would have like to see Morrow and RRS looked at for potential Rotation guys next year......with washburns contract up....RRS would have been perfect as the #5 guy and upside to be a long term cheap #3 (same thing with the salary with quality starters from the minors)
Aurthur Rhodes ----Yeah....and Booo....Yeah that we didnt just dump him....he's looking good....more work in extended spring training....gonna be a good addition to the pen....He looked sharp from what I saw of him this spring....Maybe he wont be as dominant as 2001....but...he can get lefties out.......The Boo part was...I just wish he was ready physically to start the year with the big club.....and RRS to Tacoma would have been idea for the potential future.....
Dickey ----??????What the heck?!?!?!?!?!? How could he get shipped to AAA Tacoma....
At least they were smart enough to retain him (we got him cheap for what we gave the Twins)
I hope they have him start in Tacoma, and plan on him as the #6 starter if an injury happens.
I am still perplexed about him not being on the 25 man roster...he definately deserved it.
Maybe they just didnt get Baek traded intime for opening day....I dunno....
KNUCKLEBALL......every fan loves it....and as a lifelong Mariners fan...I demand to see it in a Mariners uniform this year.....I still cant believe he was sent to Tacoma (gonna earn another PCL pitcher of the year award)
Baek -----I half expected them to trade him to a team who needed a starter...I am not upset we didnt....depth at starting pitching is always a plus....having him long relief because he was out of options...I expected that if we didnt trade him.....he wouldnt have made it through waivers.
(Love ya Baek.....but I have a feeling ya wont be around too long unless someone gets hurt)
Mike Morse----HOLY SH@#$%$%^&#$^&T!!! he was going nuts in Spring Training....cant really argue with him making the team.
Miguel Cairo----ummm---Next ...I'm gonna love him because he's a mariner....but 2 Willies is 1 too many.
Burke---- I love this guy...I dunno why....we knew he was going to make the team...because Clement needed another year at Tacoma....but....just a good story of a Guy sticking to his dream.
Norton----hopefully, ya dont bail on us in AAA....would have been a better bench if ya made it, but because of "stupid-wisdom" the bench wasnt put together very well...and ya had to suffer.
Jimerson---Wow....what a story....I want to hug your sister (not in a creepy old guy kinda way, but in a "you are an awesome person" kinda way) be honest...didnt think you were gonna make the team......I like the defensive aspect coming off the bench for the outfield (except reed, C-Jim you're the best option) Please be a great 25th man and pinch run really well....and give Raul a rest in the 9th when we are is important.....
Congrats dude.....was listening to KJR to your interview....WOW.....No go out there and do some crazy MAriner hero stuff.......try to channel the 1995 spirit of Luis Sojo.
Mark LOWE ---OH YEAH BABY Way to be healthy man....Morrow to the minors...WOOT (note I love Morrow...but I hope he's in seattle as a starter)....and I cant wait to see everyone else being surprised....except me...and a few others.....Lowe = STUD IMHO ....I love Green as the setup guy....but I will love it even more when LOWE is the 8th inning guy....reminds me of the 2001 bullpen....8th and 9th inning guarenteed win.
Willie (okay...I knew he was going to make the team, but I was hoping he would goto AAA to help the team).....Pride of Port Orchard...blah if ya can get Cairo on the DL and have a good LHanded bat on the bench....the team would be better for it. post....
Report from opening day....WOOT
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Busy.....Mariners on Da Brain....Busy and Busy...oh yeah..GO MARINERS!!!!
I have been so busy posting tickets for sale....its gonna be a long year...the MTM is gone...and I am going to have to scramble just to have a roof over my head by the end of the year....thank goodness I am a bright person....or I would be homeless by July.
Besides working my butt off...Mariners...Mariners....more Mariners....
I WON!!!!!!!
I actually won a pair of opening day tickets for 3/31 against the Texas Rangers.....
Watching Mariners Nightly on Fox Sports NorthWest ....they have a contest.....
"Cactuschow"....alls ya have to do is watch the show....see what reastraunt in Peoria they are featuring in the Cactus Chow segment, email the answer to and they have a drawing every night....
and...I WON!!!!!
I love free stuff.....
and Mariners Free stuff......OH YEAH BABY.
The Seattle Mariners isnt a Passion....its a Lifestyle.
I am so excited for the season to start.....
I hope the mariners are going into the all-starbreak in 1st....and the front office is willing to do anything to win.....
I know the mariners arent the best team talentwise by far....I'd probably rank them around 7th or 8th (potential of being higher)....and sad is they are 5th or 6th in the AL....
But hey....Richie could rebound....Felix lives his name "KING FELIX".....
Beltre has a breakout year....
Basically the Offense needs to produce...we got a good staff of pitchers (over paid for the 3-5 starters....but its good)
I just have this feeling.....something magical is gonna happen
Okay...its late...
I have played almost zero poker....
I want to play get good....but it seems like with all the effort I have put in...I am just spinning my wheels.....I'll need to make a posting just on that sometime in the next week....
I would give almost anything to be able to make a decent living playing poker....I love to play.
Poker proffesion.....or Mariners world series?....hmmmm....can I have both? :-)
Sleep time
Monday, March 03, 2008
Mariners FEVER!!!!!
Part of me doesnt feel like I am into the season yet.....
Part of me cant wait....Even though talentwise the Mariners are probably 5th best....the the Ace-Bedard and the King Felix...thats an Ace/King combo that can be dangerous in the playoffs.
Every 6 years...the Mariners have won...1995....2001...and now its 2008.....
Dave Neihaus is going to the hall of fame....
I have this feeling this is the year....
Beltre and Ichiro...the King and Ace....
Prediction central....Mariners 97-61 and 1st place in theWest
I need to play more decent...except for the one hand where I donked off my stack to the worst player at the table.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Poker: The Two Weeks of 2/11/08-2/24/08 (I've been avoiding updating so its REALLY late)
End of Week(s) Update
Hands 27.669
Profit -979 BB
BB/100 -3.54 (-1.77 PTBB/100)
Hours 55.88
-8.76 BB/HR Per Hour
Well...since I had such a horrible week from the 11th to 18th...I said "SCREW IT"....
and I screwed around with the update.....after playing so well at the begning of the month
(I played so well at the 1st week of the month, and the results reflected it)......
The past couple weeks...If I played well...The results sucked...if I played crappy....the results sucked. play wasnt very good as a whole for those two weeks....and I really couldnt tell ya what I did wrong for the most part.....
LOL....I am trying to tweek and change to much....and occationally play to many tables.
I did everything possible wrong at some point...and the WORST I could even evaluate what I have done wrong or right....but that is par the course over the last 2 months or so.
To be honest....I feel like I am a good player....who doesnt know how to play good.....
That doesnt make any sense at all...but its the way I feel....
A better way to describe it....
I think on the say...6th level of thinking.....(or whatever...I can think with the best of them)
when I play.....I over or under estimate the villian...and that equals....disaster
I dunno....I have played well for the past 4 days...and ironically that is playing up a level in stakes
(I didnt feel like playing 3k in hands a day for 3 days straight to get the VPPs to make I just moved up and played half the amount of hands for the same VPPs)
The stakes didnt bug me....I actually took more time on each descision....which is a good thing....the more time I take each descision...the better I play.
gonna go back to my normal stakes at 25/$0.50....and see if I can put together 50K hands on the plus side.....I am getting real sick of the 20K hands up....20k down.,...20k up.....20k down....I mean...150K hands and I am down less than a buy in.....
Okay...I just needed to yell....I have played well post 2/ that is good.....
I think the reason I even made this so I could bury those two weeks in which I sucked donkey balls.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
So busy...and GO MARINERS!!!!!
I have been so busy.....well...not that busy....but a bunch of different things....
Go Mariners!!!
GO Ichiro.....I love him so much....he is the engine that makes the MAriners go.
Lol....I dont even know what to write....
I made a huge blog post on Stoxpoker, for the Small stakes Stoxpoker Project
(which by the way is something I would kill for...I know its not gonna be like 20 hours a week coaching....but even if its just a could be something extremely good for my game......and I would do anything to improve it)
I am always wary of stuff ya read in the forums....people saying the exact opposite of each other....and to be honest...I am not the best...and when I see people posting stuff that contradict each other...well...ya never know whats true or better.....I'm not a math guy...I am good at math...but I dont like spending 4 hours calculating and number crunching.....snooze
I dunno....
I;ve thought of paying for coaching....but....spending $500 an hour for what? ya dont know what you're getting.....the guy might not communicate the way I NEED....and wasting my bankroll to be in the same spot...I'd rather not spew my money to someone who calls themself a "coach"
I dunno....I dont trust anyone any more.....Its all about the Benjamins....and lieing to to get more from me is not on the top of my list.
But back to the stoxpoker project can I blabber on and on.....I just ramble and dont really think of what I am saying....
LOL...I am afraid to see what I wrote....
but...the voting is friday....I thought about begging like some of the others are doing....but I just think that will put people off...and comes across as pathetic.
I have my fingers cross...but I'm not holding my breath...I would love it...but things like that.....well....they just dont happen to me. if it werent for bad luck...I wouldnt have any luck :-)
But...if this is the year for the Mariners...I might actually win it....95...2001...I had good years...and the mariners won.....if I get the SS SP project....its world series baby :-)
I wonder what I would pick if it was Mariners WS or Stoxpoker project...I love the Mariners...but honestly...I need a break for myself...and it might be small..but it would be good for me.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Dave Niehaus Hall of Fame bound...FINALLY!!!!
It is Loooooonnnnnnnnnng over due.
Dave Niehaus is not only the voice of the Mariners.....
He is a Mariner...He is "The Franchise"
To be honest...I dont even know where to start....
I remember going to games....bring an AM radio just to hear the play by play of Dave.
I cant remember a HR that was "belted".....
Grandma is always the relative who supplies the Rye Bread.
Grandma always had "Grand" Salami and not the cheap kind.
"My Oh My" isnt just a saying....its Mariners culture....
Junior is Griffeys 1st name right?
Alvin Davis Maybe "Mr Mariner"....but Dave is "Mr Mariner Sr."
Dave is like Mariners Dad....he rename Norm Charlton.
Gawd I love Dave Niehaus....just listening to his calls of the 95 season...they send chills down my spine.
When I watch replays of Edgar Martinez Double in Game 5 of the Divisional Series against the New York Yankees....I am hearing Daves voice even before he says it.....
"Right now, the Mariners looking for the tie. They would take a fly ball, they would love a base hit into the gap and they could win it with Junior's speed. The stretch... and the 0-1 pitch on the way to Edgar Martinez swung on and LINED DOWN THE LEFT FIELD LINE FOR A BASE HIT! HERE COMES JOEY, HERE IS JUNIOR TO THIRD BASE, THEY'RE GOING TO WAVE HIM IN! THE THROW TO THE PLATE WILL BE ... LATE! THE MARINER'S ARE GOING TO PLAY FOR THE AMERICAN LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP! I DON'T BELIEVE IT! IT JUST CONTINUES! MY OH MY!"
Congratulations Dave for winning the Frick Award......Cooperstown bound, and very deserving.
I can't even imagine a Mariners broadcast without Niehaus....From David Segui's first Pitch in 1977 til present.....
I was sad Oct 3, 2004 when Edgar Retired......
The only other day I can imagine being as sad is the day Dave retires.
We Love you Dave, dont ever retire.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Poker: Week of 2/04/08-2/10/08
End of Week Update
Hands 9382
Profit +1320 BB
BB/100 +14.08 (+7.04 PTBB/100)
Hours 18.97
+69.84 BB/HR Per Hour
This week I didnt play as many hours....
Part due to be being lazy....
Part Due to not feeling well emotionally...(spewing is bad and I did a good job this week of not doing it)
I pretty much played a no frills Tight aggressive approach this week...definately on the tight side. Bailed on hands that I thought I was behind...and bet bet bet hands I was ahead.
This style wont be as effecient at higher levels...but it does give me piece of well as it ephasizes my hand reading....there were only a few times I felt I made really bad river folds or calls...and that means I felt I was strong reading on previous streets.
my best played day was Saturday...flopped tons of straights and lost virtually every set I was a weird day...but I played well.
I need to make sure I keep taking my time on descisions...even the basic ones....that is the main difference from the downswing weeks....taking my time is what is profitable.
Hopefully I can keep it up.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Erik Bedard is co-King
Okay...I cant call him King Erik...because Felix is the King....but...Erik is Co-King....even though from now on we cant refer to him that way.
Bedard--left handed....stud...staff ace...and lots and lots and lots of strikeouts.
The Pride of Canada
To be honest....I dont really know what to say.....
He is one of the Top 5 pitchers in all of Baseball
The Mariners now have a Pitching staff that is in the Top 5 in the Majors, because of the Two Aces.
Bedard is a stud...and I will just leave it at that.
The Bedard Deal is Final.
All Mariners fans have been waiting forever for it to become finalized....
After week of Orioles being complete douche-bags and drawing this out weeks longer than necessary, The Mariners finally get their man.
I have been in general against this trade....mainly because I think Jone, Tillman, and George way to much.....I think Tillman is WAY undervalued....and including Butler too....thats a whole lot of Talent. Baltimore got an incredible deal.....even better than they realize.
Adam Jones = Stud outfielder who is essentially free for 6 years
George Sherrill = The ultimate left hander...and not Baltimore's closer (or setup) super value
Chris Tillman = I have this bad feeling he is gonna end up being an Ace type of pitcher
Tony Butler = Left handed....if he can every stop walking people....a #3 pitcher or better
Cam = Talented reliever....closer of the bullpen talent....mariners should have gave up green.
Some people look at that list and think its just a good trade for me....they fleeced us bad.
Okay....that is the last time I am going to dwell on Jones.....
New post welcome Erik
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Poker is going well this week....
So far this week poker is going well....somewhere around 5 PTBB/100....
And...cleared the Bonus I purchased with FPPs....
Ironically when I reign in the aggression (getting on the loose aggressive side)....My win rate suffers
I dont think its from the extra aggression so much, or playing junkier hands....the only time I feel it really affects my when I stop thinking...and insta-shove or insta-raise "thinking" I can bet them off the nuts (or a hand that they will not fold...either because they are a calling station and call with a 3rd pair to a shove....or they have a royal flush (not really, but ya know what I mean...Top set isnt gonna fold on a raggy board).
Starting last week and continue to today...the amount of times I;ve done it is EXTREMELY small....the only hand I think came close was a hand where I Check raised all in with an over pair on a slighty scary was a pretty big it was the size relative to the strength of my hand/board that I questioned. I wasnt "good"...but it wasnt horrible either.
LOL....but no T4os turn shoves, after Leatherass9 calls the flop bet, and a blank turn (I still like the aggression...but with the blank coming I still cant get over me firing again....what did I think he had? Only thing he is calling with was a Set, 2 pair or Air/float/steal....LOL...cant wait till I get called a retard on the video. Overall though...I havent made stupid aggressive errors.
As far as Passive errors...several tables got run over a bit....some of it due to cards...but some of it from folding to the pure it better that when I "feel" I have a read that they are trying to run over me.....I raise/3bet....they smooth call with AA or KK and I dump more money too them on the flop :-(
The thing that for now that works for me is being selectively aggressive......Everywhere I read and watch Vids at Stoxpoker, they say a loose aggressive pound them till they puke style will result in the best win-rate.....Well...I dunno what villians others are playing against....but I go into a 20k downswing when I try to pound the passive players....ya know...they call ya on the flop with nothing...and hit the straight when ya shut down cause you're convinced they have something...or when ya got an overpair, they hit 2 pair on a ragged flop (94s comes to know...the 48/11 who will cold call with any 2 soooooooooooted because thats what he did in limit)
I just get in this mode that I feel I have reads that arent there.....I start calling when most of the time I shouldnt call against villians....basically trying to pick to much stuff off....
I've got 2 pair on the turn and position....the villian is aggressive....likes to bluff alot.....multi-street too ...he will have a hand 1 out of 4 at most....and 2 pair is ahead near always....but...he's smart enough to fold to resistance, and will shut down if he doesnt have ya.
Essentially....he never shuts down when he is behind.....and always shuts down if ya raise....basically this guy...let him bet bet bet....he's at best 8% on the turn, even if he does suck out...the extra river bets 6 times out of 10 that ya never get by raising the turn is EV+++++++
(super I am in the zone against certain types of villians)
BUT....then I will take the same line on guys with similar but tighter numbers...guys who dont fire the 2nd barrel or 3rd....and I have a super read that they dont....but I am just on auto-pilot and become a calling station against these guys with TP3K, and they turn over whatever that owns me.....I know I am behind...I know that the best line is to raise the flop or turn and define his hand based upon my read...but I dont. complete Spew.
Funny thing is...90% of the time playing solid poker...that 10% I am donating to guys who should never get my money.
And it is the main source of every downswing......Yeah, my game can be alot better....but its stupid how I forget the most basic stuff and spew money.
Leatherass9 was going on in the forums how he exposed alot of his game in a recent Video....actually saying in his blog that it revealed stuff others never would....
I watched the video...and yeah...alot of the plays he made, were plays that required ya to think and analyze a situation well....
But.... just makes me frustrated...Throughout the whole video I was like "well....Duh...of course he gonna fold there....or Duh...I raise in that type of spot all the time except against XXX villians"
The Video frustrated me more than anything....because all this info he was providing....well...its things that I see and do all the the situations like an open book....hell alot of my winrate is because of that.
But...I watch Ed Miller's Poker Made simple vids...yeah...80% of the basics...I have down cold...but some of the most "basic stuff" (or at least what I feel should be basic)...I can watch those test vids, and miss have the questions (ones that are similar)...I can rewatch it 5 times...and still miss the question...AND still not play a situation optimally.
Part of me feels and plays like a genius...and the other part can't believe after all this time I dont understand things that SHOULD be so simple.....
I wish I was more social....I wish I wasnt so much inside of a shell...If there is a leak in my game...thats it...Its like getting a college degree, without the proffessors....
Would a coach help? Hell yeah....I am very smart, and when I do get feedback from my questions (even if they cant understand how I think about it)....even if they dont say the right things...I just can extract the info I need to clarrify it.....
BUT...If I was just more open...
My life has sucked...been screwed by the people closest to me....I know its silly to isolate myself..because I do enjoy being around people, just not concetrating ABOUT I am running millions of scenerios through my head about every possible situation....
Ramble Ramble....Sometimes I go back and edit the hell out of a post...but 90% of the time...LOL...I dont even check for Typos....I dont even read what I wrote 90% of the time....because I would probably stop....because its probably jumbled and makes no sense because its more.....well...its just the moment....which is very hard for me its kinda analyze so much now...I even question basic situation....Like I was at the Sonics game....I bought 2 20oz diet pepsi's (actually got 2 caps that both won free soda) I was walking away, putting my the season ticket food/drink vouchers in my pocket (OH, lol...what a deal this year....spent $800 on the two seats...they give me $300 in Food vouchers for free the other free stuff that I ended up just selling...just that alone I almost break even)
Back to the story.....I drop one of the bottles...I crouch down to pick it up...I am way out of the way of people walking....but I notice every persons looks...what direction they are have a good idea what they are thinking/feeling etc etc...not just the person closest...but I scope out every one who "could have" seen me drop the soda....and wonder what I am doing in the mini-totebag I have for the Nick Collison Bobbleheads that they gave awya pregame (also put the soda I dropped in the bag).......its kinda me want to cry actually. Not because I care that much if I looked like a dork (well okay...a little)...but instead of being able to be my silly self...and make some funny joke/reference that the soda I dropped is "for them"....I actually thought "If someone was with me, I could make that joke".......
The poker post is turning into the blabbering idiot post...I just feel so only time people have EVER wanted to be around me is if I was supporting them and working my ass off so they would be with me.....or because they were inbetween "better" and more "enjoyable" friends.....
I analyze others well, and how they interact with each other....I see the things happen before they do....but I suck when it comes to me....I feel I am so socially inept.....I am such a nice guy....I really can ask anyone who I let fuck me over...LOL....I spend my attention enjoying and trying to be enjoyable to others and just being myself....when I do....its like the blinders are put on.....I mean...the best way for people to like ya, is just to not worry and just be yourself right? But I cant even put myself in the situation any more because I am just so damn scared....I mean....I let people know me...I think the friendship or relationships are going well mutually...I mean...geezus...just once...I'd like someone who would just tell me the damn truth.
I'm not making any sense...and who the frick cares? No one does....the closest thing I have to someone or something caring about me parents...but they have each other, and they dont need me to be around....I mean...I know they love me with all their heart...but I feel like I am such a dissapointment in my life....I just dont want the only two people in the world who dont think I am a failure to think so......they have been so good to me....I love them so much...I wish I could really show they how I feel...but I cant.....which just makes me cry more.
I am so pathetic.....I am really an incredible person inside, but it just doesnt really matter
LOL...the ironic thing is....I will still cry my ass off for the next 3 months...I will still feel the same way as I do...I will still wish for the world....blah blah blah....
And no one will know.....because in an hour or two...I put on the front that everything is fine, no matter how it really is....because I dont want to be a burden on others...I only want to benefit others....because the truth one wants to be around ya, unless you're providing something for them....and as soon as it becomes "standard" matter what "level" of wonderfulness it is to be around ya....well...when ya raise the bar even to elite heights....well...people toss ya aside because ya cant provide the "next level"
See....even when I write....I do the same thing....try to write crap that ya need a translator for, just to keep....LOL...anyone who would read a distance.
It is pathetic to say that I am a wonderful person....but I am...I wish I could be more of the type of person that can just screw someone over...I'd probably have more so called thats why I want to succeed in poker so much....besides if I can make Alot of money (its a game of people and money)...its the only time I can feel "okay" with essentially screwing another person out of it fair and square...but its my desire to screw over every person who hasnt had my personal values and bent me
One of these day I really need to just write a weeks worth of posts about the last 25 would think "DAMN, and you havent shot yourself yet?"...its not like anyone ever reads these damn things....I mean...I pretend that "its all out there for the world to see"....when in reality...any hits to the the title...browse 20 words in the 1st 3 paragraphs...then surf to the next blog, site, if I made Youtube video blogs then someone might pay attention....but the truth the time I ever get around to doing that...well....then there will be something else that attracts people to pay attention (I mean...blogs now are a dime a dozen, if ya dont have're just writing to yourself (LOL...aint that the truth though...I am pretending....I mean...I would feel like a dork if anyone I actualy knew read this....I one understand instead of feeling like I was sharing to be closer.....whatever...back to what I think I was trying to say in my ramble.)
Oh yeah...I will always be behind the times when it comes to the "modern" way of social communications....I know and understand people better than most....but when it comes to applying ti to suck....and am always tryingto filter the "bad" of people not to affect me...but the result wont talk about that....basically...communicationwise...I will alays be holding myself back...not because that I dont understand....but because I am afraid....afraid I will get screwed again by someone I feel close to....and to be frank...I have had as much as I can take....
Okay....I am not making anysense...well....I dont know if I am or not....I cant bring myself to try to read everything I wrote (LOL...I would spend the next 5 hours trying to edit it)
I will probably make another simple post...just to drop this post down a less chance of anyone reading it (I mean...very little chance of someone reading it, once it gets archived)....see...even when I proclaim that I really need and want good friends...I try to stop it from happening from the fear of past results.....I wish socializing with others was like treats me well overall when I play well...when I do something stupid....generally ya get crapped on...which is the way it should'll get sucked out on...but...if you consistantly do the right the end the results will be good over people arent that way. its the stress of the Erik Bedard deal on permanent hold...LOL...thats funny...because it has nothing to do with how I feel...though it is funny, how the best years in my live correspond with the good years of the Mariners (oddly enough, when the team is doing life is going good....thats one reason why I am concered about the life is below average...probably less....the mariners "think" they are becoming a playoff team...but I havent felt it means my life is gonna go down the will have to make a post about the timeline of the Mariners and the good and bad of my crazy...the Mariners trigger the best years of my life...and significant turnarounds and downfalls...its just crazy.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
King Felix ....The Pitching Pride of Teal and Blue Nation
The One and Only King.....
Felix Hernandez
We've loved him when he was 16 and barely anyone had heard of him....
We love him when it crushed hitters in Rookie ball.....
We love him when he flew through the minors
We love that he was unstoppable...nothing would keep him from the majors.
We love that everyone wanted to trade for him....but the front office finally did something right.
He's the one and only...20 something and Top 10 pitcher in baseball....
He is going to be one of the greatest pitchers of all time.....
LOL...I get goosebumps thinking...
King Felix
Long term contract....
In the same thought.
A groundball Power pitcher.....
The Rare and unique
I love the King
I love his fastball
I love his cut-fastball
I love his breaking ball
I love his slider
I love his hair when he was 18
I love his hair now cause his cap stays on
I love the dominance
I love seeing knees buckle
I love the Ks
I love the Ws
I love the power
I love that he's an ace
I love that he is only gonna get better
I love that Mel is gonna coach him
I love to love the King
I love the idea of cloning him
I hope Felix has kids...and we draft all of them
All Hail the King
Please Mr Bavasi.....5 year deal to buyout Arbitration years
The Man-child
The Myth
The Legend
Roger who?
Randy who?
Gibson who?
Cy who?
thats right...
King Felix....the Man that Makes Mariners fans orgasm every 5th day.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Poker: Week of 1/28/08-2/03/08
End of Week Update
Hands 10603
Profit +740 BB
BB/100 +6.98 (+3.49 PTBB/100)
Hours 24.62
+15.05 BB/HR Per Hour
The Majority of being on the upswing, was the last 3 days...the rest of the week was alot of upand down neutral days....
Not gonna over analyze it...but I sure folded in some tough spots....they felt right.
One spot I felt I should of folded....well...I was right...and set over set really sucks..the Huge drop on Sunday part of the graph, shows the one hand that killed me...was still up for the day a hundred or so.
The Key for simply folding to resistance...and and putting up resistance to C-bets on spots I think someone is weak.
The main thing I need to keep doing, is throwing away some hands, to keep out of big pots with medium hands...losing a stack for Top pair is not a good thing....its stupid......when they are raising...most of the time it means I am beat....especially when the fire the 3rd might be a bluff....but its not a bluff 50% of the time or more.....
NEED A READ to call the big bets
Played average.....and thats good enough to make money.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
What can ya say....
Two letters says it all
It means the other team has no chance....
It means the best hitters walk away in shame
The Destroyer of 9th inning dreams.
No words can do him Justice...
He is an All-start Closer....
He is the nightmare of hitters.....
The splitfinger fastball puts them away
(thank you Eddie Guardado)
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Whoa baby, baby, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstruck
Sends chills down my spine anytime I hear the song......
Just seeing him warming up in the bullpen in the top of the 9th....
6 foot 5 of a rocket cannon arm.
Everyone at safeco on their feet...
Nothing better....
JJ Putz.....I have a Man crush until 2010...and you need to resign again
And you're always the best with Rock dude.
JJ for President is what I say
Game Over
Friday, February 01, 2008
The Unheralded Hero on the corner....
MR Adrian Beltre.....
Some people think the MAriners overpaid....they expected him to reproduce his 2004 year for the next 5 years....and those people are stupid to expect that.
Fools...all of them.....
Adrian Beltre is the best 3rd baseman in the American League by far....
Sorry Boston Redsox fans, Mike lowell is a distant 2nd or 3rd.
Sorry Eric Chavez fans....his reign is over
Sorry Detriot fans...I love Miguel Cabrera but his defense is horrible
Adrian Beltre is the best all around 3B
I Love the defense
I love the bare handed grabs
I love the off balanced throws that are strikes to 1st
I love the vaccuum cleaner that sucks any balls hit to the left side
I love the appeals to 1B umpire...when its on himself
I love the appeals to 1B umpire...when its on himself (love it so much I had to say it twice)I love the number 29
I love Red, The ultimate Beltre Fan
I love that we have him ffor 2 more years
I love that someday he will learn to hit a breaking ball
I love his accent
I love groundball pitchers...because Adrian makes them look good
I love the Yuni-Belt (its the thing that holds the left side together)
He is so unappreciated...and often undervalued....All-star defense is hard to comeby at 3B, becasue most teams use the position as a place to attempt to hide bad defense for power.
Call him Ambassador Adrian
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The Yuni_bomber
What can ya say....
One of the Coolest Names in all of Baseball
Yuniesky Betancourt
Yuni...I love everything about you...
but...please fix the throw ya had in 2007 to 1B
Besides that...I will name my next child after you.
Getting to balls on the 2B side is miraculous.
and ...
The Double Mint of the great Mariners commercials....ranks up there with Edgar Martinez "light bat" and "clapper" commercial
How do ya spell Defense?
Yuni wont earn a gold glove because of the politics...but over the next couple years he does deserve one.
GO YUNI!!!!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Raul Ibanez....
The Resident Left handed bat.
We love ya Raul...but would love you even more if Bavasi got a clue and moved ya to 1B
and or DH 70% of the time.
I was at the game you hit your first homerun.
I love all the Raul giveaways at Safeco.
I love the Soul Patch
I love the bald look
I love your twin brother Jay Buhner
I love the Sick power onslaught of 2007
I love that you love Seattle and came back
Go Mariners
Go Mariners!!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
KENJI JOHJIMA....the man that never walks.
We love Kenji....
We love that instead of parading around to other teams as a free agent.....
He came to the Mariners and said "I want to play here"
I love Kenji......
Mariners catchers have always been studs....
Dave Valle....Dan Kenji.
There is not a whole lot to say....
With most catchers...ya point out weaknesses...or ya point to one or two things that offset the weaknesses (such as a weak bat, or defensively inept)
But Kenji....he doesnt have a weakness.
Good defensively
Good Arm
Good Bat
He's 1 step being being an All-star...but overall he is better than all the "all-star" catchers.
He's just better all around.
He is the Rock behind the plate.
and a Catcher that ya dont always have to pinch hit for in the 8th....well...that says how good he is at the plate.
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Man Mariners Fans dont give enough love too.....
I dunno why this struck me this evening....
In all the Chaos that is the Bedard/Jones....Orioles saying " love to jerk your chain"
Everyone in the world is talking about 24 players of the Mariners roster for one reason or another....but "the franchise" one is talking about.
Mr. Ichiro Suzuki
I love Ichiro
I love his Bat
I love his glove
I love his speed
I love that he's ours for the next 5 years and probably career mariner.
I love the Gold Gloves
I love the Silver Sluggers
I love that he is a little strange (in a good way)
I love the number 51
I love japanese
I love baseball
I love Ichiro playing baseball
I love that he doesnt give his autograph very often.
I love his defense
I love the chants "I-CHI-RO"
I love that I get to see him 162 games
I love his style in the field
I love Area 51
I love how he makes pitchers seem better (Say thank you....Mr Jarrod Washburn)
Mariners already have One King...King Felix Hernandez.....
The Emperor is....
Emperor ICHIRO
Oh....gonna need to pay homage to My main man Mr Beltre...I will save that for another post.
The Pending Jones/Bedard Trade and the only opinion that matters.....
I have been putting this off until the "official" word that the trade is complete.....
First off....
I want Jones to be a Mariner for the next 6 years.....
Erik Bedard is a stud of a pitcher and is definately an Ace. (when the trade happens I will make a separate entry welcoming Erik and heaping praise an my utter love of him as a Mariners...but for now I am mourning losses of the future)
That being said.....
As being reported presently.....
Erik Bedard for Adam Jones, George Sherrill, Chris Tillman and 2 other minor leaguers
I think Tillman is toooooooo much....should have kept tillman and gave up butler....If we give up Butler and Tillman....Bavasi must plan on working for baltimore next year....
I am seriously worried who the "other 2 prospects" are.....
As is...I dont like the trade....but will hope that we can make the playoffs and magically make the world series in the next 2 years....because as the Roster stands now...we are screwed if we dont...because bedard aint staying unless we win....and if we do its gonna cost a fortune....which means we still wont win past 2010...well...unless we can keep bedard and felix...and pray for lucky breaks in the minors....
saving salary on a talent as jones....potential #2-3 pitcher in Tillman...and the Present #52 George for cheap...well.....thats alot of talent for a very cheap price for ALOT of years.
I will survive long as the other two prospects ARE NOT:
Tony Bulter
Jeff Clement
Brandon (1st round draft pick who will never start because bavasi is an idiot) Morrow
Carlos Truinfel (I will become an Orioles fan if its Carlos and Jones)
Players I dont want to see included...but might surivive.....
The list is long and many....
preferably no Starting pitchers...or position players with talent....becasue gawd knows we dont have many left.
I still can sink my teeth into it....
If Jones because a complete stud....I will cry in a couple years when we cant resign Bedard.
2 year rental for All-star would be horrible.
Okay enough.....
Its gonna happen....the only thing that matters now is who the 2 other prospects are.
and now...
Who's gonna play RF?
Luis Gonzales, Brad Wilkerson, Wlad the impaler, or insert
LOL...I think I will save that for another post as well.....after we find out who is included on the deal...I mean...I cant imagine Wlad being traded....but hey...with Bavasi, ya never know
Welcome Erik......Adam, we will miss 2010-2014 especially....when we crying when bedard leaves...then Felix wants to play for a contender again and wants out...and Ichiro Suzuki retires.
We better win in the next 2 years.....because this is the time with the Bavasi plan..becasue at the end of it....its gonna be really bad....
Go Seattle Mariners !!!!
World Series or Bust!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Poker: Week of 1/21/08-1/27/08
End of Week Update
Hands 7378
Profit -147 BB
BB/100 -1.98 (-0.99 PTBB/100)
Hours 19.50
-3.76 BB/HR Per Hour
I hid midweek and totally disgusted between times playing bad (or what I percieved as playing bad) and....not sure If I can handle the idiot players....I swear the worse a player is...the more of my money they get....I seem to have no problems taking money from the average to good players.
I played well on Sunday though.
Stoxpoker's Leatherass9 invited players to play in 4 tables of 25NL for a video....
I played pretty decent....the exception being 3 specific hands....
First was the hand I stacked off on a complete bluff, I definately shouldnt have 2nd barrel the turn (yeah he had a set, but that didnt make it a sub-par play)
At the time I didnt think it all the way thru.....He called the flop....and LA wouldnt have called the flop without something...and if he had a draw...he probably would have raised....LA calling....well....thats a red flag right there.....
If the Turn would have been a K or A....I could make an arguement (obviously I still would have lost the hand...but at least then I could warrant the aggression in that situation....bascially...good idea to be agressive....after the flop call I should have known better and shut it down on the turn.
But the good thing about the hand...I think it did help me in the AA hand when I smooth called his 3bet.
The other hand I didnt like how I played was an AQ hand....I 3bet from the button from a bet, raise by the HJ and CO....BB made a good play and "super squeezed"...may have had a big hand....but if he didnt....definately a good play (I think he some SC but ya never know)
A couple times with AJos...felt like I was being weak tight and folding in a couple situations....but I just couldnt see raising with a reverse implied odds hand like that...I didnt have a specific read I was ahead in the situations....and to be honest...I would have rather done it with least then I know I had to hit 2 pair to consider being good if they called....
AJ is semi-strong...but I always have 2nd thoughts about it when 3bet....
I dunno...just one of those areas I still have doubts about game.
All in all...I would say I played c+ game, which isnt bad...but I just felt I didnt have a good feel here and there...I am too critical sometimes.....
I did get a good read and follow through with the player to my immediate left....super tight player...I abused him when it was just the blinds...everytime I raised I was stealing with absolute junk....just because he was so was going to be profitable...I wish I could get that type of player in the two seats to my left EVERY'd be playing a 50/45 game because I would be the "button" 5 out of 6 hands.
But my luck is always to get AKs and flop nothing, and CB called when they pair their 3 of the K3os and they dont fold...and I never hit.
back to the 25NL
I intentionally sat on LA left...not because I felt it would be profitable....just that I wanted to make sure I didnt attempt to sit in a neutral seat...and not get it, then get stuck with the seat to his right....LOL.....because I dont think having Dusty on my left would have been much fun.....well...unless I really felt like getting Real crazy, or playing a 8/6 session.
The more I think about it....I wish I wouldnt have played the complete bluff hand...I could have played a better overall game with the table set-up....though LA is a much much better player than I am....I think I lost a bit of the positional advantage with that one paid on a couple hands...but there were a bunch of situations in which I could have used a tighter image.
Essentially I saw what LA was doing after about 20 hands or so (he was seriously lagging it up, I noticed it immediately....mainly because I epected him to feel players out and then crush
I should have taken that into consideration...and kept a tight/solid image and use that to my advantage to use my position with the image...he would have adapted of course...but I essentially broke even with AA.....
LOL...okay maybe I didnt play that well....well....I did...but I didnt....I did somethings really well...but not so good in other ways.
I cant wait to see the video....partially I want to see if my gut instincts that initially had on certain hands, that I changed my mind on...see if I was stupid for not going with instinct...or if the 2nd guess instinct was right.
I dunno....part of me thinks that I over think things to much to play anything under 100NL (not specifically the video table today...just in general I outplay myself sometimes)
Okay..enough rambling....
I do need to call less, and raise more to end the hand (basically in situations not to call and dump off chips....either win the hand, or find out I am behind and know what to do on the turn or river)
Callings raise with no clue on what they have....that is just plain bad (unless ya have the nuts, then it doesnt matter)
at the stakes I am playing I need to:
Bluff less
CB less (I seems every CB gets called when I dont want it to)
be more aggressive, but not 2 and 3 street bluffing.
I should have played more.