Thursday, October 19, 2006

This Sucks Big ones

I havent posted in a while.....

the Last 500 tournies.....

I've ran them through SNGWiz SNGPT SNGEGT etc etc

My missed pushes and calls are virtually nothing.....
ROI -10.20% for those tournies.

I know...small sample and all...but....

I think those idiots in the STTP are lieing through their asses...the more I read of their crap (the supposed ones who are good...well...."forum buddies" proclaiming each other and SNG gods and how everyone else sucks)

I'm still profitable overall....variance sucks....but there has to be something.

I mean...I am folding stuff I know is a must fold (it kills me to do it...but I have been)...and its not making any difference in the bottom line...

and I cant figure out what I was doing for the first 4000 tournies that games me 3 times the ROI

No one reads this anyway...I have no idea why I am writing it.

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