I havent posted in a while.....
the Last 500 tournies.....
I've ran them through SNGWiz SNGPT SNGEGT etc etc
My missed pushes and calls are virtually nothing.....
ROI -10.20% for those tournies.
I know...small sample and all...but....
I think those idiots in the STTP are lieing through their asses...the more I read of their crap (the supposed ones who are good...well...."forum buddies" proclaiming each other and SNG gods and how everyone else sucks)
I'm still profitable overall....variance sucks....but there has to be something.
I mean...I am folding stuff I know is a must fold (it kills me to do it...but I have been)...and its not making any difference in the bottom line...
and I cant figure out what I was doing for the first 4000 tournies that games me 3 times the ROI
No one reads this anyway...I have no idea why I am writing it.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
This Sucks Big ones
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Pretty decent evening
Yesterday I was up a little....today I am playing really well...
The results of the day so far....
Well I am slightly ahead with 4 tables still open....
Results have been okay....I have been playing much better than the results indicate.
Diet is going real well....and the exercise (kinda look forward to going to the gym)
Stephi is doing real well....this is going to help her out soooooo much....
its going to be a long road to get to the weight she needs to...but she can do it.
I love my daughter so much....
Being a single dad sucks....
But....being a dad has a lot of cool times too (single sucks, but of course ya cant trust most people anyways)
Well...better get back to playing....kinda a semi update of the day.
Havent played much.
Note to self: PLAY MORE POKER!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I haven't posted for a while
I really havent played much in the last week...
I am just about even on the ones I have played.
My daughter and I started a diet last week...as well as going to the gym on a regular basis....
It pretty cool.....well...I am a very closed person...with everyone.
For me I really do enjoy doing things with my daughter....
some days are harder than others....essentially...I wish people didnt lie...I wish people werent evil...I wish I could read minds....
I am just rambling.
time for bed