Thursday, October 19, 2006

This Sucks Big ones

I havent posted in a while.....

the Last 500 tournies.....

I've ran them through SNGWiz SNGPT SNGEGT etc etc

My missed pushes and calls are virtually nothing.....
ROI -10.20% for those tournies.

I know...small sample and all...but....

I think those idiots in the STTP are lieing through their asses...the more I read of their crap (the supposed ones who are good...well...."forum buddies" proclaiming each other and SNG gods and how everyone else sucks)

I'm still profitable overall....variance sucks....but there has to be something.

I mean...I am folding stuff I know is a must fold (it kills me to do it...but I have been)...and its not making any difference in the bottom line...

and I cant figure out what I was doing for the first 4000 tournies that games me 3 times the ROI

No one reads this anyway...I have no idea why I am writing it.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Pretty decent evening

Yesterday I was up a I am playing really well...

The results of the day so far....

Well I am slightly ahead with 4 tables still open....

Results have been okay....I have been playing much better than the results indicate.

Diet is going real well....and the exercise (kinda look forward to going to the gym)

Stephi is doing real well....this is going to help her out soooooo much....
its going to be a long road to get to the weight she needs to...but she can do it.

I love my daughter so much....

Being a single dad sucks....

But....being a dad has a lot of cool times too (single sucks, but of course ya cant trust most people anyways)

Well...better get back to playing....kinda a semi update of the day.

Havent played much.

Note to self: PLAY MORE POKER!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I haven't posted for a while

I really havent played much in the last week...

I am just about even on the ones I have played.

My daughter and I started a diet last well as going to the gym on a regular basis....

It pretty cool.....well...I am a very closed person...with everyone.
For me I really do enjoy doing things with my daughter....

some days are harder than others....essentially...I wish people didnt lie...I wish people werent evil...I wish I could read minds....

I am just rambling.

time for bed

Saturday, September 23, 2006

SnG Results for the day

I got a late start on the SnGs, but I go a bunch in

I didnt play any in the morning...and just played MTT all afternoon and evening.

After the MTTs, watch a movie and went to KFC...came back with a full belly...and getting a serious caffeine high (I normally get decaf diet coke, but the shop and rob didnt have any so I got regular)

So My heads a bit fuzzy playing.

I've been practicing playing 12-24 tables at a time at the $6.50...that way when I do the $27s I'll be comfortable doing 9-16 tables...I can do 9 pretty well....but the 16 tabling is definately making me focus more....I am missing reads...but thats from the is making me play tighter, which is good.

Results for the evening:

3 total hours (of course the first and last 25 mintues only played about 4-6 tables so it really was only a little over 2 hours)

43 tornaments
44.90% ROI
60.47 ITM
4 1st 11 2nd 11 3rd
Average place 3.57

Was pretty pleased overall...couple of the 2nds were just bad luck of the villan sucking out horribly.

A couple of the 3rds were bad plays on my part....thats the one good thing about a bad play...LOL...other guys who multitable, or players who take notes....
LOL...the put in their notes "He's a Donkey"

Probably just grind out the $6.50 and 20+ table them for the next week and play the WCOOP well as the satellites....bankroll is fine for the $60s...but I think I am just gonna plow the $16s and $27s and just play more ABC poker....
If I am just playing 4 tables...$60s are great....but those swings and seeing $2k in 2-3 days...just kills me mentally (funny...I can drop tons and it doesnt effect me...but lose 8 out of 10 SnGs in a just puts me off my game slighlty -EV.

Its funny...thats how well I am starting to play...I can feel...and then see little things that are effecting my game in situations....
And..of of the things I that I just want to play the $530s because I have a roll for it....mentally...on the surface....conscious...I feel right at home...BUT...its that 1 or 2 hands that I play too aggro or dont play the obvious and play too passive....
I mean...if ya look at the HH...ya might see it...but in general...just the boarderline plays, but just enough to make me -EV for the week.
Of course at the higher limits, less margin for error. ramble ramble.

I was just going to experiment with the 150 tournies a day...but I think I can make the volume make up for any loss in ROI, the extra tables are actually fixing the one or two leaks of folding spots I should fold, so it evens out.
(LOL...ROI is actually higher at the low limits when I play even more tables)

Okay...need to set the fantasy teams and goto bed.


Another Fine day.....MTT Satellite results

Well....Pretty stoked for the WCOOP events the next 8-9 days....

Today I played a couple Satellites (One, fpp PLHE $530, One FPP NLHE $1050, and One Moneymaker Millionaire freeroll)

The pot linit....LOL...I actually dont remember how or why I busted out...the only thing I remember is I was playing decent...but didnt place....definately gonna have to review that one.

The MM freeroll....I dunno what is about those damn things...I kick ass on them for 3-4 hours...get to the final 200 or so (50 qualify) and I brainfart...I need to remember its a damn satellite...1st doesnt pay more than 50th

(very weird...cause I do play the regular satellites (non-turbo) very very very well...I mean...I should have at least 5 or 6 of those round 2 tickets...I definately need to concentrate on not letting the fatigue get to me and not thinking before I move.

Last but not least...the $1050...I played like a superstar...I was reading the table like I knew everyones cards.

If I keep playing better and better like this....I got a great shot at winning a bracelet...if not two.

I mean...example...

In a hand...I wasnt even in (i'd already folded)
About 20+ people left....pays 18.
a 2+2er ( ryanghall ) in the single tournament forums pushed on the button (or it might have been the CO highjack seat)...he was medium stack (on the small side of medium)...
I thought to myself "He's got Ten or Jack high"...
Sure enough...SB calls and he turns up Ten Five offsuit.

The real scary part is...I called the bottom end of the SB rage to call it.

And I really wasnt paying that close of attention at that point (bad leak, I was watching a movie at the same time)

For WCOOP sats this week I am 50% ITM.
I wish I would have started playing these things earlier...I could have converted all my FPPs to $W ...LOL...I am averaging about $1100 a day in W$ this week.

Still need about $1500 more I think (enough to play the PLHE, 6p PLHE, $1050 NLHE and the MAin event $2600, limit even and maybe the stud)

I dunno...I'm not a great stud player...and its been a while since I even touch a limit table.

Damit...I should have played the Damn Razz tourny...probably my 2nd best game, I wish there was more volume on the SnGs for Razz, I would make a bundle...most of the people are just dumb and dont have a clue.

Okay...gonna make two post...this one for run down about MTT and next about SnGs


Friday, September 22, 2006

Long Day

Afternoon and evening I played MTTs...(4 total, 1 FPP 3 cheapy ones) bombed on all of them...made astupid move...really cost me.

After that...LOL....I gave a try at 20+ tabling....(dropped down to the $6.50 to do it)
went pretty well...played 107 and have a 57 ITM and 46% ROI.

I think the more tables I play...definately need to cascade them...dont have to go looking for the active table....but of course ya lose all reads on players....
But...quantity can offset the does make me play tighter...but I do have to be careful

Okay...sleep time


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hmmm...Maybe I should play more Multi Tables MTT


Played a coupld Sngs in the last two days....should have played more cause I was on fire....the slump a while ago, starting to seem like a distant memory.

Definately an up month....up alot considering the low level stakes I have been playing.

Pokerstars has the WCOOP ( WOrld championship of online poker) this and next week.

Decided this week to play a bunch of FPP and VIP FPP satellietes.
(would have done it in the last couple weeks...but been focusing on building the bucks with SnGs...its poker...but the games are strategically very different.

Part of the reason I decided to play some of the FPP sats..because they had discounted the buy ins for some of the sats (such as the $215 cost 13500 in FPP to purchase...the sat give 1 seat for 6750 fpps)
Basically...instead of break even as 1 in 10....break even with the points is 1 in 5.

Essentially 1/2 buy decided to play a couple yesterday and today.

and...I am glad I did...and gonna play a BUNCH more of the next couple of days.


5 Tournies (4 $215 and 1 $1050)
FPP cost total to me 5900
3 tourny wins (2 $215 and 1 $1050)
$1480 W$
FPP point value 93000

Not a bad day....Definately need to play as many as I can before sunday...that way I can determine which WCOOP events I will play...wish I would done this earlier...
Wasnt playing brilliantly...but playing good satellite strategy ( guy went from chip leader to out in 3 hands...ON THE BUBBLE?!?!?!?!?! LOLOLOLOL)

The Funny thing was, that the first hand he lost was over a 3000 chip pot on the river....they both check all the way to the river...then the moron pushed trying to steal the pot...the other guy had flopped Top Boat and slowplayed it....
What a Moron...Big Stack poker against other big stacks in a satellite...stoopid.

Welp...hope tommorrow turns out similar...I think I have about 45000 FPP left after I bought all that crap (still need a new monitor...almost held out to buy it instead of playing the sats...glad I didnt...I could sell the W$ and buy 2 monitors)

Good poker day....time to go play some SnGs

Monday, September 18, 2006

Variance sucks....but at least I ended the day up.

Well...its been a rollercoaster ride last night and today.

I had a horrible start....dont remember the exact number...

But was down 15 buyins almost immediately...

Started with a couple really bad beats...
Then...honestly...I played like crap.

LOL...almost had a panic attack...flashbacks of the downswing that made me skip dropping down to the $27s all the way to the $6.50s cause my confidence was shot.

I printed out a bunch of numbers off pokertracker....compared them to winning and losing data.

Realized when I do hit a downswing...need to play less hands...especially until I am playing the $114s....remember that I dont need to outplay the villians...they will hang themselves at the $27 and under.

Dont remember who told me....but...

"When you're uncertain on how you're playing....take the 'marginal' out of marginal hands and fold them"

Well...considering I was down a huge amount for the last 24 hours...I musta made a huge comeback...

Thats right folks....down 15 buyings with an hour+ and down over 20 buyins....and...Presto...
Start paying attention to my play, and folding marginal spots even if it felt like I was on the + side...sure enough....watching 10 different hands were the range said call, but the villian was insanely strong....

Its funny...3 of those hands I would have sucked out on...5 of them I would have just chalked it up to bad luck....

Making "big descisions" for small pots doesnt make sense.

I ended up $23 for the day....a friggin miracle.

played good...but got unlucky from suckouts once heads up, or would have been really insane comeback.

Fantasy Baseball news...

Two leagues I am in...
In the championship game in one (blew the guy out in the semis 12-1)
The other one...I think I am in the Champ game...its gonna be close...gonna come down to the whip...I'll know in the morning

Fantasy football...
Both leagues, still undefeated....I rock when it comes to targeting guys who dont get drafted.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mid month report card


Definately playing solid compared to last month...I still feel slightly off...especially when I start the day....feel great mentally and physically...but its those first 6 tournaments that I have trouble getting into a groove (I still manage to lose more than I win starting off.....essentially out fo 30-40 in a day...I suck for the for 10..and play catch up...then break even or catch on fire)

This is the problem I was having before...but to a greater I am aware of it...pretty much have to emotionally will myself to play even tighter.

Playing the $27 again....its basically a mixture of the $55 and $16 players (1/2 loosey goosey and half solid 2+2er )

I think I am just gonna grind the $27s twice as long and not move up immediately...I figure a couple weeks of making solid $$ and still tweeking some minor bad habits would be best.

I am very concerned though...that playing more tables is gonna have the same result (I jumped upto 9 tables from 6...had success for a month or so...played tighter...and looser.....i.e. tight at the wrong times...loose at the wrong time...opposite of what they should have been.)

I think maybe what I will in a week or hour or two a day...I will practice 9 tabling at the $6 or the $15

I dunno...I just dont want to dump $3000 in two weeks (29% ITM sucks)...I mean...nothing specific I did...just way to many boarderline calls/pushes.....

Need to remember...let them make the mistake....I cant force them to make it.

Thinking about playing the Razz WCCOOP #1 tournament tommorrow...I am pretty damn good at the razz SnGs...but I dunno about the MTT Razz.... I dunno...My MTT game is pretty out of whack with all the SnGs....I mean...I use to be 5 times better at Multi TAble than Sit and Gos ...but lately I cant even make the money or whatever....well...thats not true...I final tabled the Gold and Platinum VIP tourny a little while back....

Maybe I should play some...I do, do better with deeper stacks...last year bubbled in 4 WCCOOP events (lol...I forgot about that....3 of the ultimate suckouts...I need to relive the one...

2.5 mil guarenteed WCCOOP Main event....

Full table....
10 positions from the money and $3000
I'm MP1....
I have JcJh...

I raise 3.5 BB PFR
BB calls
Flop...10d 10h Js

I flopped top boat (if he flopped quads more power to him)

BB bets 1/2 pot...

I pause...( I aint folding of course)

I reraise a little more than the minimum...thought about flat calling..but I felt he would come along and stack me on the turn..just need a litle more to get him pot committed....

He pauses...then pushes all in...I think "Quads? no way"...and I call...
He turns up 7d6d
YEAH....7d6d I almost died laughing....then...the miracle....
Only 1 way he can split the pot....
Runner runner Tens (less that .5%)
Only way he can win is:
8d 9d
for the straight flush...

Lets just say....I thought I was gonna be chip leader heading into the money....
Instead he hits the .2% miracle and gets the straight flush....

Best part was....when he said "You should have folded when I raised the flop"

LOL...Top Boat and he thinks I should have folded...I had him crushed.

I am getting all worked up about it again....Every1 has a bad beat story...but damn....I was top 10% in chips...and so was he....normally I dont mess with other big stacks...but I hit the flop hard...I might have thrown a set away at that point...but not a Boat...I would have been chip leader with more chips than spots 10-3.


Friday, September 15, 2006

Mid month graph

A day early...but here is the graph for this month....

Sure took a huge hit because I dropped down in buyins....end of the month should be double at least...and I'll play at least 200 more than I played in the first half.

Good and bad poker day...Mariners didnt play

First...Mariners had the day off...

I just realized something today...

Mariners are above 500 against the following

AL East (over .600 win perc)
AL Central
Interleague (something rediculous like .800 win perc)

The only place they within the division.

14-34 ...20 games below 500...

If they didnt play the west and were in the east...they would actually be tied with the yankees.

Poker today...

Played alot...

something like 55 tournies....
35+ ROI
56.14% ITM

But....I donked into alot of 2nds today...and even more 3rds than 1st...
Thankj goodness I made ITM alot today...kept the ROI up.

Pokerstars had the deposit bonus today...
I wish more of the sites had more traffic on the turbos that had monthly bonuses...

Wish bodog was pokertracker compatible...or absolute poker would change the points toward the bonus on SnGs

Whine whine whine....funny how I had a good "results" day and I am whining.

I need to get a new computer or split screen for more tables.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Seattle Mariners and Poker...both went well yesterday, but not today....

Missed posting yesterday....

I got on a roll...couldnt lose...78% ITM..needless to say my ROI was on the positive side.

I spent the rest of evening reading and catching up on SMGPT of the past tournaments
(that reminds me, I have to do that tonight)

So....Tuesday was awesome...Mariners won...and won at Poker...and it was Edgar Martinez photograph giveaway (unfortunately I didnt make it to the game to get one, gonna have to get one off of ebay)


Poker I lost $3 (it felt like alot more...played exremely poorly most of the day, but the times I did play well...I was on fire, it was like I they were playing with their cards face up....extremely weird...I played like crap at I said...unbeatable.

The Mariners...well...they got whooped tonight...10-0...
So much for Cha Seung Baek making the rotation next year....
Well...he might..but he got pounded tonight...I actually turned the game off.

Hmmm...I know watching the game and playing poker is -EV...but I wonder when I was playing well...hmmmm...I'll have to check that out.

Lately...I dunno why...but I have been craving pies like crazy...Makes ya leads to pie cravings...beware.

I really should play some WCOOP sats...spending lot of time with my SnG game and totally neglecting MTTs....Really wish I wouldnt have had that downswing.

Welp...gotta get some sleep


Monday, September 11, 2006

Its late and writing to motivate...

Pretty much just read alot today..played a little

I think I have come to the conclusion that I have been just using too much Donk aggression...need to play solid hands and quite trying to steal with Ace rag.

I dunno..hard to tell.

probably finished up a couple bucks...

Right now In the Moneymaker millions qualifier...
98 people left...
I have a meager stack...not critical stack...but hanging around like most of the others...
have a a couple 30k stacks at the table...but funny thing is...leader at the table is only 40th over all...
I hope they either leave the table together or break it soon.

Wish me luck.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Short post tonight

Pretty much broke even fore the night

About 20 tournies
0% ROI

I am tired as hell.

Probably going to the Seattle Mariners Game tommorrow against the Texas Ranger at Safeco field.

"Accidently" didnt sell the pair of Diamond Club tickets.

I love those seats...If I ever get the money cranking....I want season ticket in the Diamond Club.

Free food, free drinks...everything delivered to your everything.

Big price difference though to my regular season tickets.

Quick Mariners Rundown...

Kenji--- What an great signing...I love Jo...a catcher that can hit
Ichiro--- He's Ichiro and we love him
Beltre--- and least hes got Defense
Sexon--- Its either a HR or a K...need people to get on for him...2007 will be big
Y-bet--I love his Defense...great to watch
Lopez--- I have high hopes, but I have a bad feeling he's gonna be average
Raul---...he's a real good hitter... very underrated.
Snelling--- I hope he can stay healthy...exactly what the mariners need as #2 hitter
Reed---I dont know why he cant hit...hopefully when his thumb heals he fixes it

Felix---Next year will be a break out year.
Washburn---still think we overpayed to get him...9 Mil was way to much...but he;s a lefty
Meche--I dunno if the Mariners will resign him...really depends on the young guys and who they target in the ofseason
Piniero---he's gone unless he wants to sign for bullpen and less money
Woods, Lowe, and Baek---Hopefully one or 2 will emerge as a middle rotation startter

Soriano---I love this his strength back this year...lights out next
Putz---Gotta love JJ...hope he can repeat next year
Mateo---I actually hope they dont resign him...heart skips a beat everytime he pitches

Go and bid/sign
Daisuke Matsuzaka
and another good pitcher (Schmidt for less or Zito)

Okay bed time...have to remind myself not ramble on about the M's...


Thursday, September 07, 2006

I couldnt take it any more

I really couldnt take it any more....if I see someone call an allin with 42os with 25BB and 25/50 blinds I think I will go crazy.

I moved back up today

Results for the day.

21 tournies
47.62 ITM
40.63 ROI

4 1st
3 2nd
3 3rd

Started offf slow with my traditional losing 3 straight.

I played well on a couple....
but to be honest...I felt like I played too tight once it got down to 5 or less....
several times in the SB had it folded to me and I didnt steal when I should have.

decent results consider I feel like I played like crap.

I'm up and thats what matters....


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Am I playing good, or the competition is horrible?

Well...I played pretty good today...results...were even better...could have played a little better (sounds condisending when ya look at the numbers for the day)

Todays Numbers

24 Buy ins

83.33% ITM
135.38% ROI

8 1st
4 2nd
8 3rd

(donked a couple times and got 3rd because I was being stupid)

I am definately just gonna move up either tommorrow or thrusday....
Got plenty of bankroll...and its time to step up and get back where I am suppose to be.

The $55+$5 are where I know I can play hate it when I tell myself something...and I have to do it.
Probably shouldnt have gone down so far....cause I have to get use to the nuances of each level of buyin.

But yeah, 70% of the players are the $60 there is about 20% of the REAL horrible players..but at least there is about 30% that know whats up in a Sit and Go.

Note to Self:

Remember other level will not be as loose and wild.
Gonna need to play more to win.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Okay, May I will change my plan

Well...I had planned to play about 250+ $6.50 (funny thing is...with the exception of some joke SnGs that I palyed...i.e. playing one where I just went all in every hand for 20 hands straight (lol....just remembered that...I finished 2nd and played 85% of the hands)

But 57& ITM I know its small sample, but dang...I can beat these guys with my eyes closed.

(keep trying to talk myself out of it)

Pretty much decided I will play about 50 more and then move up....seems kinda pointless and a waste of time...but...just doing this experiment...definately seeing some of the mistakes I was making.

Today went like this.

28 tournaments
57.14 ITM
72.09 ROI

6 1st
8 2nd
1 3rd

The sad thing though...couple of those heads up I played really crappy...I mean...I could have easily been 12-2 in headsup...realistacally it should have been 10-4...

I really do need to reign it in a little once it gets to the money....I realized I am in the habit of shoving too much 3 handed...well...okay..shoving in the wrong spots...
As well I need to own the table a little more if I am the middle stack....especially if the big stack is giving me the control...

Need to read and react....
When I am focused....honestley I cant be beat...

3way...One guy thinks he's owning the table he's got me by 1500 chips...but were at 100/200 25 ante...we both have 25BB+...letting him have 3% of the chips ever 3rd orbit...he can knock himself out...I knew there was about a minute or two till the blinds went up...and when they did...Bam...Boom...shorty is making diamonds in his butt...and Mr IamGonnaSteal200BlindsWith5000chipAllinBet...well..
Kinda funny when ya push...they push again...they fold...then since ya have the chip lead now...ya show them rattles 2 hands later when ya push...they call with J6s and ya turn over KK....
Normally I never show cards...but I just knew it would set him over the edge....
The more I think about it...probably shouldnt have show till I got part of his stack...If I went total card dead...lost some fold equity.

Hmmm..for the situation it was 95% right

Okay...I am Rambling....

The players are definately loose with their called with the J6 and 75s today...for no reasons...well...bad reasons.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Man are the $6.50 tables full of bad players

I cant wait until I've played enough to move up (got tons of bankroll and can kill them, but I told myself I wouldnt move up until I played a certain amount at each level)

I understand there are alot of people who are just starting...but DANG....

People bluffing at a coordinated board with 7 people seeing the flop...I mean...
LOL....doesnt take a genius.

If anything, I am playing tighter, but more aggressive when I do....

Which is surprising....cause it would be real easy to be tempted to play marginal hands in bad spots, because the people are that bad.

didnt check exactly the numbers today...
but approx

58% ITM
ROI around 55%

Decent day, even though I started stone cold

I wonder if playing with the bad players will through off my game?
Just means I will have to focus in and adjust more to each level....
LOL...there are some bad players at the $60s...but dang...7-8 people each tourny

Okay...time for some more reading and stuff.

Shuffle up and deal


Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Retraining conitnues

Well...overall I feel better than I have about my game....

Still need more aggression in the middle stages (need to watch out though, so I dont get hyper aggressive in blind stealing)
Also need to push less....
look for spots to 2.5BB to 4BB pfr

Definatley need to make a list of daily things to do.

played about half my games on pokerstars...and the other half on Bodog (I sure wish Bodog was pokertacker compatible...I pwn Bodog when I play there....
I'm up about 500 over the last couple days...and its not because of running good...the players are sooo predictable....really soft less than average players.

60 Ts
+$182.40 profit
46.77 % ROI
53.33 % ITM (and if I wouldnt have donked a couple...alot higher)

I'm gonna play another 140 at the $6.50 and then move up
(was gonna make myself play 500 and at least 20% ROI....
BUT..I am reading and doing other things to help and playing less for the time being...and knowing that the $6.50t are no actual challenge....well...500 is excessive considering I use to ROI over 10% in the $27 and $60s (well at least 5000 tournaments)

I still dont get it..maybe I pulled the plug to soon...but a 70 buyin downswing, it had to mean something....I know variance...but -12% ROI over 500 tournies...
REALLY hard to swallow..and if it was "just" be it..because it did kick the ass of my confidence.

We Will rebuild me....


Definately need to start reviewing with SNGPT more....I definatley need to make a list of TO DO things...

Over all Good day....

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Playing less and reading more....

I need to be mor selective in "situations"...not card selection (well okay...both)

I saw a couple hands today...I definately should have bumped the pot...good position...dead money in the pot...practically begging me to take it...but I didnt

I dont know if reading strategy stuff is gonna help...I seem to "read" it..understand...but...doesnt seem to get lodged in my brain...
What I mean is...when I see the situation occur...I recognize it afterwards and the "whys".

I am the verge of being unstoppable again...I can feel it...
but I am still not there...I mean...I know there are some things I definately need to do.

Search searches....its soooo boring though....weeding thru 100 post to find one that has good info.

I actually seached so much today...I was reading posts from 2004

Okay...back to reading.


Up for the day...$4.50
didnt play much

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Random playing

At the Moment, on break in the MoneyMaker Millon round 1 qualifier...

121 people left...I'm on the short stack (lol..and so is half of the field)

Hopefully I can catch a couple hands right after the break...the HUGE stack of course is directly on my I really cant get too crazy...he's been calling quite a bit of people...he's 2 or 3 in chips and can crush me like a bug...hopefully he'll triple me up or more.

Rest of the day...

play 10 on Bodog...down about $30...
played all the VIP pokerstars free rolls.

I placed in one of them, but I dont remember which one...was less than $100 so I didnt note.

The Month 100k...when from 10th in out in 3 hands...2 bad beats in a row on 3 outers (one was a 1 outter)..pathetic players...I was Donking it up a little today as well...

Well...break is about to end...hopefully...same thing will happen the last time I posted her during the last MTT I played during break...I think I came up 4th...
Fourth works...just need top 50


And the MARINERS WON!!!!!....4 out of 5...if the didnt have to play the AL West...they would go undefeated (12 games over 500 vs the AL east)

Just messing around

I really need to get out of my own head....

I know exactly (well, not a specific thing) what I am doing wrong...

Too agressive (over playing several types of hands)
Too passive on other types of hands...

I was messing around at the $3.40 tables (playing 12 tables at the same time)
And 80% of the players there are loose Donks...

Flop: A K 6

Me 66

Guy leads into me....its a $3 table....

I call?!?!?!?! what am I doing....reraise and get him committed with TP

Soooo...thats when I realized I gotta get out of my own head....I mean...double slowplaying is kinda dumb.

So...went over to Bodog for a while....I love the blind structure over there... just wish it was poker tracker compatible....with the deposit bonus, increases the ROI by 10% and the games are pretty soft...well...a little...but not alot of $50s available...

Play about 20 at the $22s at bodog...the software is kinda weird...came out $240 ahead.....woulda been alot more...but the last 3...oh me Mr Bubble.
and Mr set..then..turn..river...straight for villian...
TPTK with flush pair ends up being a Full boat (btw I hit my flush on the river)...

I keep reading and tweeking...I still feel off...I know I am not being aggressive enough...but dont want to be overly agressive like I use to be....I just cant seem to put people on cards....might be dropping down to work things out with the saw the best hand today...

Villian #1 raises 4x bb pfr
Villian #2 Calls a 4x bb pfr

Flop comes Ks 6c 9c

villian #1 pot raise
Villian #2 calls....

Villian #1 2/3 pot raise
dumb villian #2...calls....

River... Jd
Villian #1 raises enough to put the dumb villian #2 all in.

dumb villian #2 calls

villian #1 shows AA
villian had: 4d 2h

LOLLOLOLOLOL...The Board was his hand....LOLOLOL


Time to review the damn hands....I need to figure a way to review some of the hands I fold preflop...without taking forever.

LOL...forgot I am not Craigsmagic tonight...I am E_Martinez11 lol

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Day 3.56 Last tournament of the night

I just played a flawless tournament (well, there was one hand...but I layed down TPMK to an all in on about the 10th hand....all logic...
I either had the best hand...or he had a set.
When I SUPER TIGHT player comes over the top...its either All bluff, or the nuts.

95% sure it was the nuts...either way...Huge laydown that set up the rest of the tournament

I ROCK....

2 hands of the Aggro guys...decides he's gonna steal my blind (ya see someone lay down a hand to a reraise...I dunno what it is...even if its a very strong fold...people see ya fold to a raise like that...they think they can shove ya around...

So...know that he's LAG..he comes at my blind from good table steal position...
I come over the top of him....
He Folds like a little girl
(2 perfect I said...both...I felt like I was 99% right before I did them....95% sure afterwards...both times...thought before I moved.

I need to play more like this...this is what made me all that money for 4 months.

After that...


Pushing every perfect spot...patient....and the BAM!!!!
I FRIGGIN saw the chip click....
I went on a stone cold steal not in a good position....I only need to get by one person (from the chip stacks and reads)....and BOOM...took them down...and with that 700 chips...put me in position to shove everyone around the table.

It was sooooo perfect...
Last week..I would have folded in that spot...and wouldnt have thought twice about it...because all it shows up in PT is -50 chips for ante...and unless I review every hand...hell I would have missed it anyways.

IT WAS PERFECT...over 30 hands...I folded 6 times...thats insane 80% VIP...and the villians didnt have a clue...
LOL....I fold ROCK...I mean...I could see the delay in folding...could sense that he had a Spite call coming real what do I do....?!?!?!?!?!

I Fold AT on his Big Blind...he keeps his chips that round...the next time I raise...he just gives it up.....4 in row without a fight after that.
Man....I PWN him...he needs to change his last name to mine.

and the funny Part....

I FINISHED awesome...not the 2nd...but he had to suck out from hell to beat me...he got first...but I pwn him...

Perfect...except the end result of 2nd


IF I play like that or 90% of that all the Time....ROI and ITM will be insane.

I ROCK...time to call it a night.

I ROCK...only one tournament...but damn...I read everything incredibly

Night Time

Good Night John Boy

Day 3.5 a New Begining


Didnt play much today...but what I did well and at about 90% of what I should (I was noticing mistakes afterwards....nothing big...just the standard
"Dang I really shoulda pushed there to steal the blinds"....
But thats good too...I really have to find the balance I had month ago

Lately...been to wimpy...before that..pushing with too much junk in bad spots
(UTG all-in with T4s with 6 left...not so smart with 10X BB)

Things need to do...
Little more Aggro on a hand or two when the 50/ up a little more
nothing major..just pick a spot or two....and 75/150 and 100/200 look to ramp up as the donks drop.

Attack the medium stacks....
conscious of the small stacks and FE with them
Be aware of the Big Stacks....steal if they will fold and can afford to lose
PAY ATTENTION TO THE BIG PICTURE of each tourney...and dont fold into oblivion.

PUNISH people for being tight.

Fold Equity is meant to be used...not saved.

Went to the Mariners Game.

Mariners beat the Yankees in the Bottom of the 9th

I love wqalk off homeruns....

Two Homeruns in one game.

Next year will be the Year of the Mariners.....

World Series 2007

Monday, August 21, 2006

Day 2: Today sucks

I dont get it....I really dont

I know they suck...
I stay out of way...
Play tight as hell...

call my push with JJ+ or AK+...

The with something like A2os 22 J4s (yes, J4s for all his chips and not short stacked....3 way pot)

I am just going to have to abbandon Tight play early...because if ya dont gather chips on these of the millions will bust ya with 73s.

Maybe I dont know how to play...maybe those 2500 tournaments that I won tons of money...just pure luck.....I dont fucking get it...

I am sooooo fucking frustrated.

I mean..overall I played crappy today....I mean..I donked of bunches of chips here and there, but was smart enough not to go bust on those hands.
I need to start playing with crap...

I really do need to learn to play LAG better.

Fuck Poker....and Fuck the Mariners...friggin 11 game losing streak...14 games out of 1st place....2 weeks ago I had high hopes of the playoffs (yeah, might not have happen, but hope)...Now....Makes me wonder how they will be next year...

Cant score runs....None of the players can draw a walk
(Whats up with that Mr Bavasi? Did ya frigging try to build a team of free swingers who cant go deep into the count?

Do the Math Mariners Management...

Harder to have big innings when guys cant get on base with a walk...means ya have to string 4 or 5 hits together....plunk 2 walks in there with another team...well...ya score 5 instead of 3.

.270 with .310 OBP SUCKS!!!!!!! Who cares if they hit 20 HRS?!?!?!?!?!?
I'll take a guy who hits .300 and .390 OBP with 14 HRs any day.

Jarrod Washburn...How much money did we spend this offseason for him...
Dont get me wrong...he is a Great AVERAGE pitcher....I woulda rather saved the dough and picked up 2 premium pitchers this coming offseason...let me see...Zito or Washburn at Safeco? Hmmmm....Zito 100 votes to ZERO...for the same price.


I hate poker...I hate everything...I hate Nancy Sue Chase.....

Its amazing how cruel and cold hearted people can be in this world....
Its always the ones that ya believe in...that ya truley think has a heart.

But...they dont...

I still cant understand how heartless she is..."I promise Craig"....and less than 24 hrs after I leave, setting up a date with others....

I am sooo Mad....I am soo Mad because this is something that will never go away.

I look at every single person like they are going to rip my balls off if I am not looking...

Fo Gawd fucking sake...My Mom asked me if stephi could help her after her surgery...
And my first frigging thought is "What is she up to? how is she trying to get me?"


I am never gonna be the same....
Life sucks....
Dont want to be alone....
But I will...
Because...I cant tell who will lie to me...
I cant tell who the evil people are.


I hurt so much....
I wish she would have just gone away....
I am so stupid to have believed her....
I believed every friggin word
I was pissed at myself for thoughts of doubt..I mean...Her I am appologizing to her about doubt thoughts, because IU felt deep inside she was true and honest

I hate it, I know now I should have never ever let me get to me again....

My god...she is so evil...I mean...I fucking layed it out there....

I hope she dies....and Someone lets me know to come and get Gindy and Jake

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Day 1 of Re-training

This sucks....necessary but sucks.

LOL...I feel like such a loser at the $6.50 tables....dunno why...there are a few good players....guess its just dropping down so far....well...its kinda like being a Major league baseball player...and voluntarily go back to little seeems silly


Recap of the day.
Havent reviewed the tournies yet....BUT

First part of the day...just like I have been doing...not being patient enough...or being tooooo patient and missing the critical times I need to force something (i.e 4-5BB and blinds are going up within the next minute...essentially losing any FE Fold equity)

and...add in the insane beats....I dropped 7 of the first 8 Ts...

After a Break, and some forum reading at 2+2 (I think that might be a problem as well....I went on the downswing when I started reading more of the forums....always have browsed...but really started reading posts...and...well...might just be a coincidence...but it is weird that...READ...HUGE DOWNSWING of $3000

2nd Half of the day went alot first at all...but I actually finished even for the day (not bad with no first and dropping 7 straight)

HU is always a rollercoaster...buteven against the best at worst in the long run in SnGs I am 50/50 HU...and most havent a clue how to play HU....I can tell someone who has no clue heads up when they comment about pushing 95s when alls ya have is 4BB on the button....I mean...fold...then what?....If ya have a little fold equity short stacked...ya HAVE to use it HU....


This I need to work on....

Keep working on trimming some of the spots I push....
Pushing more in some spots (I was such a Donk on one hand...lucky no one called...pushing A2os with 6 people left when I had 13BB...and the two big stacks in the blinds...and near maniac callers....I actually would have derserve to bust for that one....

I need to think more....take time....I need to stop going...Think, decide, move all in a split second....
At least now I am seeing it right after I do it....

Bad Habits suck...

I know I'll break it sooner or later....Even when I do...something definately gonna have to watch.

I need to make a list

1) Push less in spots (cut back on the moves that a maniac makes)
2) Push more in spots (increase +EV pushes to be in position to pwn the table)
3) Take More time before making a decsision (dont just pick the first thing...1st thought is only right 90% of the time....means 10% it puts ya on the rail)
4) Take Time to think (writing it twice, because....some bad habits have become instinctual...all in with 22 in the SB with a Bigger stack, is different that UTG full table going all in with 22....
Situation, Chip stack, reads, cards, etc etc etc...I need to consider ALL....ALL info..not just most important....
Just considering the important stuff...makes ya a break even player at best...its the little things that make me a winning player.
5)Fold more and bet more often on the flop depending on the situation
(playing to passively at times with certain boards)
I REALLY REALLY need to work on least I am noticing how some people are picking up on it so I can adjust
6) look for more spots to steal blinds from 50/100 to 100/200...not because of cards...but optimal player type and position and wont put me in a hole.

Results for the day...

26 tournies -$7.00 Net -4.14% ROI 46.15 ITM
0 1st, 6 2nd, 6 3rds, 8 4ths, and 6 5ths

(gonna need to take a look at those 4th and 5ths...I know 2 of them I screwed up, but might be more)

The ITM unlucky on a bunch of the 2nds....REALLY Cracked AA unlucky...
Not worried about that...I was actually playing HU pretty good...shoulda been 4 and 2 easy.

Most of the 3rds were good 3rds...going for the win and came up short (60/40 favs and coming up will balance in time)

Now I am really wondering about the 4th and 5ths...I thought I would have busted earlier on a couple...but I didnt....hmmm...LOL...I'm pissed because I didnt ITM more me....


8) DONT GET DOWN ON THE GOOD...46% ITM is decent...dont need to rag on myself..I mean...the part of no 1st...that would be the spot to rag...but I cant because I was good....if I keep it up...ROI will naturally go up...I mean...if things would have averaged out today the way I played...50% ROI...Just gotta see what I did when I dumped those first ones....I "feel" it was something I was actually doing or not doing...

BUT, just like with the downswing...cant find it or put my finger on it.

All right..enough rambling...

I'll analyze the things tommorrow

Friday, August 18, 2006

EDGAR POWER!!!!!! #11 stands for AA ..the Power of Edgar is in every Poker Hand

Re-Training Myself

I am going back to the Basics

I have a Bankroll for the $60 easy (more like the $114s)

I'm dropping to the $16s and playing Max two at a time (staggered)

and concentrating on Reads (its so hard...mentally thinking...$16s...I can crush these guys...and makes ya laxidazical and I space to much...I 5 already...ITM 3 times...but I was reading the forums while playing 1/2 the time

(half the time with great reads.....made me think...I really should play a couple MTT once I get back to Reading the single table at a of the reason I stopped MTT because I wouldnt concentrate enough because lack of 6 tabel stim.

Pretty much...starting from the beggining (well not really)
All ready read:
Some of the FAQ articals in SSHL and MSHL
Reread half of Harrington on Holdem vol 1
Just Got HoH vol 2 today (meant to read it along time ago...but when things started to dive...figured I better use some VIP points....End Game seemed good choice...Maybe I should order HOH 3....hmmm...I dunno...gonna be 3 weeks and I better be back to the $60s by then.

Thats the other thing I have to change....I have to one step at a a Bluff....have to figure a range....get a read...if he's a total calling station...doesnt matter how my bluff will fail....

Think first....think some more...then Do what the thinking process deducted.

I really should write down a plan...I mean...if I have 80%ROI over 20 torunies..I still should stay and focus...

Make sure its good habits....not impulsive pushes in marginal situations (yeah, I might be +EV...but a slightly -EV fold, can be a huge +EV on the next 2 hands...thus over all even more +EV
(plan the battles to win the you win each battle can make the next one +EV easier)

Okay...have to run and get Steph...

FCCLA Vice President....gotta love school activities and Taxi-cab-dad


I Really Dont get it.....Starting over and Relearning

Okay....I know I am not the Best in the World....
I know I am not the Worst in the World....

So how in the world do I go from 44%+ ITM and ROI of 14%+ at the PS $60s
Over 2500+ Tounries...


35% ITM -12% ROI at those same $60s?!?!?!?!

I know all about variance....and the natural swings...but geez.....Thank goodness I didnt cash out part of my bankroll.

Its Still hefty enough to support the $60s ( If it needs to 100 buy ins...then okay, I would be a little short....but 30,40,50 buyins...I could be playing the $114s)

I mean...I drop $3000+ over about 500 tournies....

Some pretty bad beats....tons of ones to write home about....

I mean I actually had ITM of only 15% for a 100 tounry Range (I was practically sucked, but it was almost rediculous....I mean.....)

Example....I was tourny leader....(I'd just dropped 9 straight....but had my anti-tilt goggles on tight)

BIG BUbble leader...
I had around 8 1/2k
Villians had about 2200, 1500, and 900 respectively (approx)

Line to destruction:

I Pfr the shortie all in with AQs....he's 400 in the BB and calls the $500 more with

FLOP Ac Qd 9h
Turn 8d
River Ts

Okay...fine...I'm still 7.6 K
Next Hand

Me: AA
Same villian AQos
We're all in preflop

You guess it 4 card flush (turn and river complete it)

that stung a little...
5.8K in chips..and still the leader...

Me and the 2200 guy...(he's SB I'm BB)
I am wary when he completes (he is pretty much raising..only time he didnt raise coming in, was a limp reraise)

(found out later, he limped just for that fact, he saw me crush others limping into me)

So I am cautions and actually just thinking of dumping this hand on the flop no matter what.

I have 77....I check

Flop T 7 2 (rb)

I am thinking...Cool... and then I really start thinking...I want his money....
I have to check I think...because he couldnt have hit anything...and he is a little aggro in spots...he probe bets $250...The only thing I can think is he hopes it completely missed me and I have no draws . (either that or he was making so he could ...actually I have no clue...maybe I should find the actual hand and post that one...
it was pretty confusing and I kow I didnt play it perfectly...but a set...rainbow weak board that can barely help
I was so happy with the extra $250.

I actually push here...wasnt exactly sure if he would bet the turn if the wrong card came up...

He calls and shows 55....

Thats right folks....Turn 5....River 5 I lose to quads...losing the hand that ya cant lose

Thats enough hand stuff....friggin hand lost with KK raising...called by A4s.....and the Busto Hand...flop Top 2 and he sucks the straight on the river.

The ironic thing about all of those and that tourny...the worst I was at anytime...was a 70% favorite...on every hand when the money went in

Okay enough post

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Day of having my big hands crushed

First of all....Pocket Aces just once today (most of the premium hands today..had very little of them, it will balance out though)

But I REALLY hate KK and QQ....
and AK too....

A5os T2os A3os K7s A3os A6os 53s 44 22

These are the hands people "CALLED WITH" and cracked my hands....

NOT JUST A RAISE....BUT ALL IN?!?!?!?!?!?!

MORONS...Ax and not in the blind...calling 3600 all in and they have 2200

I know in the long run it pays off...but geeze...I understand a spite call if someone has been shoving all day long...

Who calls with pocket 2s?!?!?! At BEST its a coinflip for all his chips (not even shortstack or big stack)

Rant Rant Rant...

Somehow I only lost a couple hundred today....felt like a WHOLE LOT more


Sunday, August 13, 2006


I was just getting ready to sign off...when I actually look at the numbers at the beggining of this month.

Holy Cow....

I lost 18 of the first 19 tournaments this month. and 23 of 26
(I knew It was a bad downswing...but forgot how bad it was and how severe. think I better review that day again....see if it was as I thought it was...couple bad plays and just not winning the ones I was suppose to (AA vs 32os and lose)

Enjoy the nasty graph....

Decent Day for Poker, Horrible Day in Life

Pokerwise...not bad all things considering.....

Actually...with how I felt inside today....its a mircale that I played as well as I did.

My worst possible nightmare became my reality...
I hate people...I hate people who get close, and cant be truthful....
Its the only thing I ever wanted...just one person.

Today sucks....

today is officially the worst day of my life

I am not sure what is worse....

The Pain that I feel inside (which is the worst feeling I have ever felt)
Knowing that every day from now on....there is no hope for real happiness...
Just fear....and that every day will be the same crappy day.

Groundhog day...with the fun stuff.

Life SUCKS!!!!

Okay...since this is a poker Blog....

20 tournies +$235.50 profit 19.63% ROI

Only 2 tournies in which I made horrible superDonk plays.

Overall played above average.....

Hands of the Night

Hand #1
Worst starting Hand that I won with today
(I didnt fire at the pot, because villian loves to call and has a habit of hitting one outters regularly)

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t200 (4 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: Plain Text)

UTG (t1435)
Button (t2008)
SB (t7172)
Hero (t2885)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 2s, 3d.
2 folds, SB completes, Hero checks.

Flop: (t375) Ts, Js, 5s (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks.

Turn: (t375) Qh (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks.

River: (t375) 2c (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks.

Final Pot: t375

Results below:
SB has 6d 4c (high card, queen).
Hero has 2s 3d (one pair, twos).
Outcome: Hero wins t375.

Hand #2
Hand I won the Biggest Pot of the Night with (3 players or more)

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t400 (4 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from (Format: Plain Text)

UTG (t3415)
Hero (t5100)
SB (t1660)
BB (t3325)

Preflop: Hero is Button with 6d, Ac.
1 fold, Hero raises to t1200, 1 fold, BB calls t800.

Flop: (t2075) 6h, 6s, 2c (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks.

Turn: (t2075) 6c (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t400, BB calls t400.

River: (t2875) As (2 players)
BB bets t1000, Hero raises to t2000, BB folds.

Final Pot: t5875

Results below:
Hero has 6d Ac (four of a kind, sixes).
Outcome: Hero wins t5875.

Once again...

Life Sucks...
But at least the day was on the profit side


Friday, August 11, 2006

Something New to do...

I had this hair brain idea.....

To remind me...

Yes, I suck out on others (not as much as they do me, but when pushing with SNGPT obviously I'll have something pathetic like J7os and suck out a straight on JJ+

So I am going to post (or at least try to remember) 2 hands a day (not the best, weirdest or anything special).

I'll post the worst starting hand that I won with (most likely will be a blind hand that I got lucky and flopped quads)....Even if I only win 40 chips.


2nd hand will be a hand at least 4 handed or more...that I won the most amount of chips in the session.

I figure since both of these are positives for me...just a fun way of keeping things positive for the day

Hand #1 (62s is a Great hand)

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t400 (4 handed)

Hero (t1130)
UTG (t3785)
Button (t6030)
SB (t2555)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 2c, 6c.

UTG raises to t1200, 2 folds, Hero calls t705 (All-In).

Flop: (t1980) 2h, Js, 8d (2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: (t1980) 8s (2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (t1980) Ks (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: t1980

Hand #2 (I love winning lots of chips

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t200 (3 handed)

Hero (t2895)
BB (t7146)
Button (t3459)

Preflop: Hero is SB with Kc, Ac.
Button raises to t800, Hero raises to t2870, 1 fold, Button calls t2070.

Flop: (t5765) 8h, 9h, Js (2 players)
Turn: (t5765) 2s (2 players)
River: (t5765) 2h (2 players)

Final Pot: t5765

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Player Better...but cant seem to play long

I know I am playing better.....playing more agressive in spots...

I really need to watch who I push with junk....Not a good idea to push on someone who will call with any 2 sooted cards.

I really need to play more...alot more....

It seems lately that everytime I start...something else comes up and distracts me and I haveto finish up the set I am today....

from 11 am until 8 pm...had a couple things to do..but I have only played about 20 STTs

Welp...I better call the woman and get something to eat.

Up $500 since I tweeked myplay...still down $400 for the month in STT play (I am even if ya include the freerolls)


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Poker Gods hate me.....


1st.... I need to be a little more aggro at 75/150 and 100/200 levels...not a a ton..but I missing some spots...I click "fold" and think "what am I doing?!?!?"

2nd..this goes with the 1st more speed clicking...let the rest of the table f-ing wait....If I can change my habit of playing fast...and just take 10 seconds to think...Good play...will be great play.

I am this close to being back where I was playing...fixing the little leaks.

Now...Poker Gods...give me a break.....

I just reviewed the tournies today.....SHEEEESH.

on the hands I busted on...favorite in 78% of them...and yes...won 45% of them.
the Hands I was behind...of course lost 71% of those.

How I only lost $150 for the day...its a miracle

Plan B....

Screw the world....its Brain burning Rock music time....

Gonna get pumped and play some more....

on the Play list

Young MC (lol, okay not brain burning...gotta bust a move though)

with a little Rush and Pearl Jam.

Poker Gods....ya cant keep me down.


FYI, CraigsMagic from Pokerstars

Here are the Graphs...

June and July (end of July Sucked)

and August Graph (well most of august..doesnt include the first day..because its sucked

Monday, August 07, 2006

Started Good...ended Lame

Played about 50 Sngs today...first couple didnt do so well...but got on a serious roll...up around $600...and then tanked it the last 6 tournies..and ended up a little over $300 for the day.

I think I am playing a little to tight/weak...okay...more just too tight once it gets down to 5 or less...find myself wanting to blind itm too much....

I definately need to get a little bit aggro more around the bubble when I have a +hand to the read...I folded A8os on the button at the 200/400...especially since I had them covered

Feeling better than I did a couple weeks ago on the HUGE downswing.....

Played decent...I can play alot better....only 1 hand today that I won from behind (good and bad sign)...wasnt behind much today....but I didnt suck out at all.....
good and bad...good that I wasnt behind alot...but I didnt even suck out the natural 25%++

Enough was an Up Session so thats good.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Mariners Keep Teasing me...

Just when I think the Mariners are on the Verge of being a real contender this year in the Division.....

They Play oakland.....

1-13 Vs the A's this year.....


MLB needs to Give the M's a Mulligan against the A's.....
If they did...the Mariners woul be leading the Division by 8 games right now.

Enough Venting....

I love the M's....and Yes.....

World Series 2006 for the M's

The Energy of Edgar will lead them (ya know you're good, when you're retired and ya help the team win)


And Edgar Martinez....Hall of Fame...Cooperstown....2010
I'm gonna be there!!!!

Greatest Right Handed Hitter of all time!!!!

You gotta love this Guy!!!!

More Downs....and an Up

In Short...the last 2 days....Lost 10 55s in a I dropped down for the hell of it...played 4 27s won the first two...then just as I was about to open two more....I probably did the stupidest play I have ever I called it a night...and did some reading.

Today....I busted stupidly in the Gold VIP after getting some chips......
Currently Chip leader in the Platinum tourny with 27 people left.....

and I better get back to paying attention....


If I dont make the final table...I am a moron.
1/5 of the chips in play with 18 people left

Okay, The poker gods at testing me....(its the break) hand the last 40 hands was J7s (I am not kidding)....and any of the times I was thinking about taking advatage of a situation....yup...some short-medium stack beats me into the pot....Calling 10% of my chips and not in the blind with 83os is not something I think a smart person who I havent.

I am Half Tempted to blind my way to the final table...if I knew I could get there and be mid pack with chips, I'd definately do it....only 1 guy at my table that I would be worried about...the rest...hey short table like a SnG...most of these guys are cash game players ( a few tourny guys)

Welp back to the action...16 people left and still chip leader....but still card dead.

Welp....Lucky and unlucky...

Lucky...that I donked off my chip lead with 11 people left and squeeked into the final table and the short stack

Unlucky...that I picked my spots....worked my way back into having a chance....
Getting to the Final 4.....and then getting sucked out when I had him dominated.

Who calls 80% of their chips with with QJos?!?!?!

Well I finished 4th in the Platinum freeoll and won almost $500.00

Not bad.....I only played 3 hands pretty bad (not good, but like Phil Ivey said "No one plays every hand perfect")
But at least I wasnt the one all in on those.....I could have definately done more damage at the final table if I would have screwed up.

THats the other thing I need to do....

99% of the time before a couple weeks ago...even when I lost...I was always confident..and didnt pick apart my above....I am thinking more negatively....I need to stop that.

I mean....because of 2 bad plays....I almost just won $50 in 11th place....but instead...I regained my composure....observed and planned out getting back into it...couple good reads and laydowns....and I did just that....and just a 3 outer of getting 1st or second.....

The $1700 sure would have been nice though :)

Okay....I am going to remind myself, I just won something for nothing...played 96% Great and take care of other business....then play later.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Went on Vacation

Took a weeklong Vacation to Colorado....

Gonna hit the Tables hard this week

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I just cant get into it

I find myself playing purely by the cards.....being scared to raise with certain lesser holdings in position (didnt realize it while playing, but say the hands I was folding when checking pokertracker.)

The ironic thing is all the "Ax" that I pushed with....stealing blinds is never a bad thing (well it is if the blinds are 10/20 and mean nothing)
But CO+1 and I am folding KQos with the blinds being complete Rocks...I mean...sure if I think the blinds are maniacs and 50/50 to push back at me...but a guy who plays 8% of his hands and has never cold called in 900 hands...good bet he's gonna fold.

I am just picking the hell out of my game...

The only "real" problem I have at the moment...its just adapting and figuring out the table a little earlier (multitabling ya dont get the feel of a table and instinctive reactions immediate)

Its like a a table this morning....
Complete Rock Table....1/2 the time the BB was getting fre rides...if I would have noticed it earlier...I could have doubled up and not even shown a hand.

Thats probably why I am just treading water and breaking even lately...."Feel" and actually am playing pretty solid...its just the couple of hands that I end up playing and look like a moron....
Thats good too...well kinda...I mean....

Got called with A2os all-in (didnt mean to do it, mean to do it on the other screw up)
about 3 or 4 of the regular multi-tabler guys...
Not sure if having decent to good players viewing ya as a little less that good or a doiwn right Donk is good or not....
I mean....they might loosen their calls...which is good and bad.....great when ya got the nuts...but sucks when you're on a complete steal.

So I dunno...

I only play about 20 today...pretty much boke even...think I am down about $50....

I think that might be one reason I havent been getting into it...lately if I have 3 tables that I make the money at the same time....I am playing incredible...almost like a robot..perfect reads...then I Donk one of the tables I just open (stupidly calling an all in 50X+ pfr with AKos with the blinds 10/20...I mean...AK is a great hand...but calling 1480 to win the original 30.
Volunteering for a coinflip and calling off my chips.....AK is a drawing hand......when the blinds get to 100/200...but calling off that much...for a hopeful coinflip....hard to train the brain...
Definately have to take more time before I click....its only a couple spots...but...50% win situations is not something I shoot for...and 1 to 1 pot odds is not good either.

Okie enough of this stuff.

I need to play more......

Monday, July 24, 2006

The First Posting

My name is Craig, and this is basically a tool I am going to try to use to motivate myself to play more poker, to make more money. (I have a bad habit of playing 150 tournaments in a 2 day period, then playing like 10 a day for the next 4 days)

I've gotten pretty frustrated lately.....I play basically perfect...and get sucked out on...not just when I am a 2 to 1 favorite, but...lets just say, I thought it was inpossible to lose with "edgar"
(edgar is my term for pocket Aces, Edgar Martinez is number 11 for the Seattle Mariners, and Aces can count as "1"...and short hand for ace ace is "AA"...hence "11", edgars #.

Since this is my first posting.....

Key info....

Seattle Mariners will win the World Series (I say it every year)
Seattle Seahawks, yes I love them too.
Seattle SuperSonics...well....I think they may become the Oklahoma Sonics real soon (they were just sold to a new owner)

Edgar Martinez is the Greatest Right handed hitter to ever play baseball (if ya note, most other great hitters were left handed...there are only about 2-3 others that are on the same level, and they are in the HAll of Fame.)


There will be many references to "the Man"...but I beter get back to what this is intended for...

Which is...Make me play more...and report the results here....

That way I can remind myself not to play so tight that diamonds form in my anus...or play stupid like most of the players.

Lately I have been running extremely Hot, or extremely Cold....the swings lately have been insane...and I mean insane....

Within 100 SnGs I have been down $1380 and up $1750 (yes, over $3000 swing in less that $6000 woth of buy-ins....

A couple times I push with less than honorable holdings and lost....
But its just plain sick the ways I have lost in the last couple weeks.

Hero 13450 total chips
Lucky guy 50 total chips

Blinds 300/600

Yes I lost....
Here were my first 5 starting hands....

Wouldnt be so bad, except..with QQ and 99...he had 44 (both times) and yes...spike it on the river both times.

The best hand was the 6th Hand....he was upto 1600 in chips.

I'm in the BB.... (Blinds are now 400/800)
Edgar in hand (AsAc)
Lucky guy goes all in.....
I call of course....
Lucky shows Ts3d
Flop Ad 4d 4c

Yes I flopped a Full boat...and Mr Lucky is of his hopes is a 4 on the turn and a 4 on the river for a split pot.....
The other miracle actually happens....

Turn 5d

I am thinking..."who cares, I got the boat, his flush means squat....."

River 3d

never had someone say "sorry" so many times....well...except for the back to back beats I took last year in the WCOOP.....That still burns my ass, hit Quads and least that time, when the guy got his chips in, he did have a flush, and was drawning dead to one card only on the turn.
But still, he makes the Final table with my chips and I bust a couple spots off the Bubble.
I dont remember what place he got...its was like 4th or 5th or something...I got the crappiest day of my life, and he made 6 figures.

Okay, I better not get on was almost a year ago and still pisses me off.

I know people have to win the 20%, 33% and 40% portion...but it still sucks when they call with something rediculous like J4os and his a 4 card flush when I have a pocket pair or Axs.

Its doesnt seem to bother me as much if they call with a small pocket pair, or any face cards...I mean....ya push 10X BB at them, they shouldnt call with J9os or even 22 (I will never understand that...calling with 22, 33 or 44....especially if not in the blind and not committed to the pot.....calling for all their chips with 22, when at best...they might be even money.....calling with 92os is better...cause at least ya have a crazy chance of being the favorite.

Okay...enough bitching....

Last month had 16% ROI over 600 tournies...
This month have 5% RIO over 800 tournies...

need to play more....

Edgar Martinez.....Hall of Fame